Their mission was simple... Kill something that couldn't be killed.
This future-set sci-adventure follows a band of brave soldiers in an epic battle against a government-created monster.
This future-set sci-adventure follows a band of brave soldiers in an epic battle against a government-created monster.
Legion - Experiment des Todes, Légion, Легион, 太空魔鬼军团
A few recognizable faces that include Terry Farrell, Corey Feldman, Rick “Jessie’s Girl” Springfield, and that guy that played Kano in Mortal Kombat. Terry tries her best to be a tough army person, but try as she might, I don’t buy it. You’re too nice, Jadzia!
It’s completely watchable 90’s horror sci-fi without any great strengths or major weaknesses. I’m beginning to think this kind of stuff is my comfort food. Not that it’s good, but it’s charming, no?
Added to:
• 1998 Horror — D Edward Ranks (10)
CHOSTS OF schlecht?
Oder DOOM-the GHOSTS OF MARS-Version.
Nur mit dem Budget eines Gurkenglases. Die Fressen hat man tief im Sumpf des B-Films schonmal schwimmen gesehen.
Die CGI-Effekte auch, damals 95, auf der ersten Playstation. Aber der Pixelkuchen ist nicht frei von Charme.
Das Art Design ansich schwitzig, dreckig, rauchig. Trotzdem läuft man 90 Minuten durch immer gleiche Gänge und, der größte Schwachpunkt, man sieht das Monster nur in den letzten 5 Minuten. Nichtmal Teile bekommt man vorher aus nem Schatten oder so zugeworfen. Was eine Verarsche!!!
Ist eine TV-Produktion, daher gibt es auch keine deutsche VHS,DVD oder Blu. Dank deutscher Ausstrahlung aber eine Synchro.
DER bleibt noch lange im Sumpf vergraben.
A reasonable TV-movie mix of DIRTY DOZEN and PREDATOR.
In a future war, STAR TREK DS9's Terry Farrell leads a misfit commando squad on a dangerous mission to shut down an enemy power-plant. They arrive to find everyone dead, murdered by an unknown assailant, turning the sabotage mission into a fight for survival.
Part slasher and part monster movie, with a bit of action and suspense thrown in, it works pretty well for what it is. Farrell manages to pull off the tough action-chick thing okay, and we get to see Corey Feldman as a creepy computer nerd. The late Trevor Goddard is underused though, he needed a bigger role.
Although hardly the most original sci-fi film in the world, any film that has the lovely Terry Farrell from DS9 fame running around getting all sweaty,carrying a gun and a stern frown throughout most of the run time instantly gets this a 3 star rating.................
Corey Feldman feels completely out of place as a brainbox though............
I found this to be OK as a background watch but not quite interesting enough to hold my attention on it's own.
This is apparently a TV movie. It felt like a decent quality one at least to me.
It's a very familiar setup with plot points you've likely seen a hundred times, but the interesting cast made it worth checking out for me.
Feldman plays the nerdy hacker 😆 I didn't expect that! It's funny that he uses one of those accounting style calculators that holds a roll of paper as his "hacking tool" 😂
This is fine, I guess.
so, i watched this as "just something on while i play DbD" because the title seemed appropriate. then the monsters kinda sounded like when Oni gets his power and it was funny.
we get Corey Feldman, Rick Springfield and some other folks i've seen in other things.
it's a moderately entertaining background movie.
The Dirty Dozen… In Space
Made for TV 90s sci-fi/action/horror definitely one of my cinematic comfort foods. You know you’re going to find the cast running around boiler rooms and steam tunnels fighting some kind of baddie with the plot sampling heavily from the well know sci-fi properties. Legion is really comfortable in the steam tunnels going through Aliens, The Thing, and a taste of Forbidden World. It is a rather star studded cast for a little Made for TV sci-fi movie, you have Parker Stevenson of Hardy Boys and Baywatch Fame, Rick Springfield the original Nick Knight of Foever Knight fame, Corey Feldman, Troy Donahue, and Trevor Goddard and of course Terry Farrell at the peak of her fame…
Legion kann man ganz klar in die Kategorie geklautes B-Movie schieben.
Eine Mischung aus dem Dreckigen Dutzend, Starship Troopers, Aliens und etwas Predator im Tv Format erwartet einen.
Die Story um eine Verbrecherbande die auf einer Basis auf irgendeinem Planeten herausfinden soll, warum der Kontakt abgebrochen ist schaut sich ganz ok.
Beim Cast gibt es überraschend bekannte Gesichter wie Rick Springfield oder Corey Feldman.
Leider wird es erst nach 50 Min etwas interessant und unser "Monster" bekommt man erst in den letzten 10 Min zu sehen. Schade darum das sah gar nicht so schlecht aus.
Leider hat der Film auch ziemlich wenig Blutige Einlagen, was gar nicht zu den Geräuschen bei den Toden passt.
Ahja und das CGI ist extrem kacke. Dafür sind die Sets und der Drehort okay.
Kann man mal anmachen wenn nix anderes da ist.
It’s a bit shit but enjoyable shit.
This review may contain spoilers. I can handle the truth.
In the final fight the big bad (played by THE Rick Springfield) says "I don't hesitate" and then proceeds to hesitate for 5 minutes. I should've hesitated to watch this movie.
Man’s natural predator: boredom