Levity is the worst kind of Hollywood film. It's Oscar grabbing, maudlin, pontificating, grandstanding, faux-politically correct shit of the highest order.
It really, really irritates me that these kinds of films keep getting made. This film has been made, one way or another, about a million times. Let's go through the checklist:-
* Ex-con convicted of a horrible crime who decides the best way of going straight is to not say much and look his feet a lot? Check.
* Respected veteran actor in a grizzly supporting role dishing out sage advice with a secret dodgy background? Check.
* Sexually precocious young temptress who's in to drink, drugs and clubbing and all that? Check.
* A run-in with some blokes 'in da ghetto'? Check.
* Vaguely underwritten female middle-aged role that the lead might have it off with? Check.
* It's shit? Check.