Luis talks about his life in the forest and how he fell in love with Lucía.
Luis talks about his life in the forest and how he fell in love with Lucía.
“…y ella me dijo ‘te quiero y quiero verte’ y vino y fuimos súper felices, y después ya no, no y después no”
es muy cruel la forma que tiene el corto de enseñarte la maldad de luis con voz de niño, al oírla y oír su relato con lucía pensarás en la inocencia, en la ternura e incluso en el amor a temprana edad, pero es todo lo contrario, fue un plot twist que ya me esperaba, sin embargo me dio lastima por lucía, jamás abrió la boca para decir la verdad por miedo pero cuando lo hizo… “mentirosa, lucía mentirosa”, es triste.
I had a few of Cristobal León and Joaquín Cociña films on my watch this was brilliant. The stop motion was out standing and so different. Use of lighting really fitted with the short made feel so real and dark.
Can’t wait to see more of there films.
Some of the best art I've ever seen.
I can't tell you how many times I've watched the trailer for La Casa Lobo.
These shorts will have to do for now.
Außergewöhnlicher Horror-Kurzfilm, der seine Geschichte mal auf eine etwas andere Weise erzählt.
Das Haus und alles, was sich darin abgezeichnet hat, war so interessant gestaltet, dass es mir schwerfiel, auf die Erzählung zu achten.
La voz de Luis y Lucía van a ser los culpables de mi insomnio
Enamoring collides with frustration and anxiety this time; an in-doors space is transformed into a claustrophobic forest pervaded by the atmosphere of a terrifying Autumn. Paula's job for dubbing a boy is not as affective, but let's toss the few minuses aside and be at awe with the complex artistry at display, where the walls are transformed into canvases of the unreal/real, and the in-house furniture is shown deconstructed at first and the constructed again, always drowned in a sepia-toned environment, while we, in an act of negative correlation, witness the narration going forward.
dive into this rage, an ocean of bitter remorse
such loud whispers...
if you thought Lucía was scary, this one is even better, Cristóbal León you're so fucking cool
watch here ☝️ cool people support latino american cinema
Lucia y Luis son 2 cortometrajes chilenos que de verdad me sacaron de mis casillas, un cuento que parece tierno pero en realidad oculta un oscuro suceso.
Ambos cortos estan hechos en Stop-Motion y se nota el esfuerzo y dedicacion detras de ellos, realmente me encanto lo siniestros que son los dibujos en las paredes y la forma tan precisa en la que estan realizados es de admirar.
Realmente recomiendo que vean ambos cortos en la noche cuando esten por irse a dormir <333
I Shoulda Never Smoke That Shit Now I'm At The Wolf House
This can be considered a second part to Lucía, so if you want you can read the review I did for the short. These two shorts tell the same story, just from two different perspectives. Luis, a werewolf, falls in love with Lucía, but perhaps his love does not end very well...
My thoughts are the same as in the previous review, only that Luis seems more technically wonderful (and horrible).
You should watch this here
I feel like I’ve watched a psycho version of a short animated film.