This Story Has Never Ended
Nishi is a loser who has a crush on his childhood girlfriend. After an encounter with the Japanese mafia, he journeys to heaven and back, and ends up trapped in an even more unlikely place.
Nishi is a loser who has a crush on his childhood girlfriend. After an encounter with the Japanese mafia, he journeys to heaven and back, and ends up trapped in an even more unlikely place.
Игра разума, マインド・ゲーム, 心灵游戏, MindGame, 心理游戏, 마인드 게임, 心靈遊戲
You know those parts in a Disney movie musical number where the animation stops pretending to depict things that are actually happening in the world of the movie and becomes a crazy abstract illustration of the music?
This is a whole movie of that happening.
Made me realize that we are all one consciousness experiencing itself subjectively and there's no such thing as death, life is only a dream, and we're the imagination of ourselves. Also, I’m out of dopamine.
I could watch that lady paint herself and slap wall all day.
Films like Mind Game, though incredibly innovative, are a reminder that the world of cinema is still very much a man's world. One could argue, as I'm sure the fans of this movie will, that there are no "films like Mind Game." Yes, there was something truly extraordinary about it: the animation was stunning and I very much appreciated the film-maker breaking away from modern convention. Yet, the story was so obviously conceived by a man's mind - the crude sense of humor, the focus on the physicality of the female and her satisfying the man's gaze. As I am writing this, I picture dozens of films by women that focus on more-or-less the exact same elements, and yet the…
This review may contain spoilers. I can handle the truth.
protagonist disarms somebody with his ass cheeks in this one
It is no surprise that Mind Game escapes from its slice-of-life beginnings and dives into its manic surrealism as soon as the main character makes the decision to start doing instead of dawdling, seizing back his missed opportunity and opting to take charge instead as life is far more rewarding when we're the ones navigating it.
Of course it's not that easy, being active instead of reactive poses its own set of challenges which certainly include clashing wills with whoever stands against you, and this literal rebirth of soul forces our ex-loser to undertake trials of biblical proportions while also coming to terms with his own psyche (you don't change yourself instantly, it's a process that requires work).
By the…
Probably one of the most aptly titled and flawlessly animated films I've ever seen. It also has one of the better beginnings and endings in recent memory; the film, as a whole, is very good... but the opening and closing sequences, especially, are what bump this film up a notch. Highly recommended - not just for fans of anime, but for fans of existential films in general.
A mid-life crisis movie for twenty-something’s. Finding life moves faster than ever expected, even with so much ahead, Nishi feels like so much has already been wasted. With the imminent possibility of death he reflects on his passivity and decides to live life to the fullest, only to be completely separated from everything that makes life—life.
Through this added and excruciatingly physical separation from society, learning only through radio—watching life but not experiencing it—the push towards the enjoyment and appreciation of all things and possibilities available in life can be attained. To call each moment and life unique because it is only lived once, and by one person.
With a somewhat Kaufman-esque script, (the writer being the main character) and…
Absolutely bonkers film about a power bottom on the DL experiencing the journey of a lifetime or two.
Yuasa is talented and amusing. But he’s TOO talented to waste his time finding fantastical excuses too draw Balloon Boobs™️ and not amusing enough to make me forget that’s what he’s doing here.
Yuasa’s NIGHT IS SHORT, WALK ON GIRL is a ✨fantastic✨ movie with an energy that’s bubbly enough to carry you anywhere, no questions asked--but MINDGAME’s insistence that a protagonist’s desire to touch a particular set of breasts is compelling is a stretch, especially when the narrative needs to make the owner of said breasts a near-rape victim so that Mr-Titty-Grabber can save her in hopes of copping a feel.
My senses have been overloaded and I loved it.
This review may contain spoilers. I can handle the truth.
CW: misogyny, sexism, sexual assault, attempted r*pe
This film is probably the best example as to why I think creative animation alone doesn't make a compelling picture.
What's happening on screen barely 20 minutes in completely marrs it with a pretty tastelessly framed and vile encounter where a woman experiences sexual assault and attempted rape. But fear not, we'll quickly dispose of the perpetrator and focus on the sad 'nice guy' who was into her and died. Oh, and not to mention, of course we'll be using the sexual abuse suffered by the woman as a vehicle and motivation for the man's growth.
A gross, slimy and quite frankly ugly picture.