If You Love Something, Never Let It Go.
A man bumps into an old crush and becomes obsessed. After several failed attempts at winning her over, he kidnaps her and holds her captive underneath the animal shelter where he works.
A man bumps into an old crush and becomes obsessed. After several failed attempts at winning her over, he kidnaps her and holds her captive underneath the animal shelter where he works.
Mark De Alessandro Helena Barrett Todd Bryant Mark Chadwick Heidi Pascoe Eddie Perez Stephen W. Schriver
Animal De Compania, Mascota, Pet - Wenn du etwas liebst, lass es nicht los, Pet - A Love Story, Animal de compañía, Schronisko, Питомец, Zvířátko, 펫, Enjaulada, Κτηνώδη ένστικτα, 爱宠, PET: Wenn du etwas liebst, lass es nicht los, חיית מחמד, 寵物情劫, Animal de compañia, Домашня тварина, ペット 檻の中の乙女
well if she didn’t like you before kidnapping her, she sure will now!
It's that timeless story: Boy likes girl, girl doesn't like boy, boy kidnaps girl and puts her in a cage in the basement of a dog shelter.
This movie doesn't go where you might expect it to, which is why I liked it as much as I did. It raised my eyebrows, more than once, so that's good.
Dominic Monaghan does manage to drop his Hobbit accent here and does a good job, but man, it's Ksenia Solo, as Holly, who owns this movie. Great performance!
"The more you think about it the more you remember the parts that you like" - Holly,
Jenette McCurdy is not transitioning well to adult acting.
So. who do you root for between a creepy MRA incel guy and a psychopathic violent woman with some seriously bad habits? In Pet, Merry the Hobbitt is suffering from intense PTSD after the destruction of the one ring. While working as a janitor and stoolie in an animal shelter he kidnaps a hot woman he went to high school with so that he can have his way with her....or is it for another reason? Yeah it's for another reason, this isn't a rape film.
At one point a barking dog sound is used…
I remember hearing some buzz about this a few years back so I finally decided to give it a shot. Couldn’t really stay involved tbh—I think we were supposed to feel sympathy for the kidnapping lunatic? I didn’t. This movie looks way better than it has any right to be so kudos for that, but I couldn’t help but also feel like this movie thinks it’s way smarter than it is. Not my cup of tea.
it's 2017 and we're still locking women half naked in cages and degrading them for entertainment. this one even goes as far as trying to justify it by trying to spin it into some sort of feminist piece. SORRY MY DUDES THE WOMAN ALREADY DID IT AND IT WAS GREAT
Good evening and welcome fellow Children of Chaos.
Ok see THAT is what I am asking for when it comes to cat and mouse. Not just the unpredictability of it, and jesus not one twist went the way I was expecting. but when our caged heroine is playing cat and mouse I want to think she has the cunning to pull it off, and here, Ksiena Solo sells it.
So this guy captures a woman he was a crush on and holds her captive under the dog shelter where he works. And that is all I am going to tell you. Go in blind like me.
I can say that the movie kept me on the back foot the entire time. I really enjoyed it and though kinda fucked up, I actually liked the ending.
Frightfest 2016 Film # 4
I've tried to keep this review spoiler free but this is really the kind of movie where it's best going in knowing as little as possible.
A dark psychological thriller with themes of loneliness and obsession, a film that toys with expectations and never goes down the expected route. Dominic Monaghan stars as Seth, socially awkward, he lives alone and spends his days talking to the dogs at the shelter where he works. On the bus journey home one night he spots Holly (Ksenia Solo), a girl he remembers from school, he tries to strike up a conversation with her but she isn't interested and soon smitten Seth becomes obsessed with her, stalking her online,…
“Are you really going to lecture me on love, Seth? You’re keeping a girl in a cage.” — Holly
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“Pet” é um filme de terror/suspense/psicológico que oferece uma ideia intrigante e uma atmosfera arrepiante. Embora consiga criar uma experiência inquietante, fica faltando em alguns aspectos, impedindo de alcançar todo o seu potencial.
O filme gira em torno de um homem perturbado que fica obcecado por uma mulher. À medida que a história se desenrola, o público é levado em uma jornada distorcida cheia de manipulação psicológica e reviravoltas inesperadas. O roteiro do filme faz um trabalho gostoso em criar tensão e manter os espectadores ligados aos acontecimentos.
“Pet” falha em termos…
English Version below ...
Pet (2016)
Pet - Wenn du etwas liebst, lass es nicht los
Eine Liebesgeschichte
"Pet" ist ein US-spanischer Psychothriller aus dem Jahr 2016. Regie führte Carles Torrens, das Drehbuch schrieb Jeremy Slater. Die Hauptrollen spielen Dominic Monaghan, Ksenia Solo, Jennette McCurdy und Nathan Parsons.
Der einsame Tierpfleger Seth trifft zufällig auf seinen Schul-Schwarm Holly. Obwohl sie sich kaum an ihn erinnern kann, fixiert er sich völlig auf sie und möchte unbedingt Zeit mit ihr verbringen. Holly ist von dieser Idee jedoch nicht begeistert und verweigert ihm ein Date. Daraufhin entführt er sie und sperrt sie in einen Käfig im Keller des Tierheims. Holly lässt sich diese Behandlung nicht gefallen und verwickelt ihn in psychologische Spiele, die…
I was loving this right up to the part where it falls in love with its ideas too much.
There is a lot to like in the first two acts. Reminiscent of Fowler's wonderful book The Collector, it gives us a twisted look in the mind of a socially awkward, rather sociopathic man (a wonderful performance by Monaghan). As we see him slowly devolve and take actions that become increasingly disturbing, we get sucked into a story where we just don't know where it will go and just how disturbing it will get. You know that feeling of exciting dread only the best in the genre can conjure up.
And then there's a twist. An…
It’s definitely a twist that I didn’t expect.
Another mediocre thriller about abduction. A mild-manner lonesome man, Seth, played by Dominic Monaghan, who works at an animal shelter, bumps into Holly, a girl he knew back in school, but she doesn't remember him. Starting to slowly stalk her, he makes attempts to interact and even asks her out but she shuts him down. This leads him to kidnap her where he keeps her in a cage in an abandoned room underneath where he works. This movie delivers some twists. One really good one I didn't see coming. It should be a terrifying scenario but they fell short on building the tension, making this movie feel clunky. And the performance was at best only okay.