He might eat maggots and live in a cage but he's still our Dad
After a night of drinking Guiness at the local watering hole, an ordinary, working-class, family man in Dublin's life is turned upside-down when he wakes up as a rat.
After a night of drinking Guiness at the local watering hole, an ordinary, working-class, family man in Dublin's life is turned upside-down when he wakes up as a rat.
Mi vida como una rata, Patkánymese, חולדה, Krysa, Мистер крыс, 变鼠记
It’s not Stuart Little. Thank god. I want to murder Stuart Little with my bare hands in cold blood.
Amusing Irish film about Hubert Flynn (Pete Postlethwaite) whom comes home from the local pub and turns into a rat! Imelda Staunton gave a wonderful performance!
It's nothing to write home about but it sure beats an electric cattle prod to the gonads!
Many sites list this as a kid friendly film! Having seen the film I strongly disagree!
No rats were harmed in the making of the film! Too bad I can't say the same about my eyes after getting an eyeful of Pete Postlethwaite's derrière!
My rat Pansy got her second tumor removed today and I didn’t know what to do while it happened so I went and bought this dvd
Could have used more rats but honestly the best movie I've ever seen
Probably the greatest film I've ever seen
fuck yea babey!
I really don’t know about this one. There’s lots to appreciate, I always like in these kinds of movies when the characters just accept what’s happening to them instead of spending 20 minutes going “did my DAD just turn into a RAT???” It tries to be a really dark slapstick comedy and that’s where it really gets tripped up. The movie is about this guys family trying to kill and profit off of him, and for the most part it’s tonally very serious, which makes all the jokes land awkwardly. I only watched this because my girlfriend loves rats more than anything and we saw it in the dollar bin at the store, so at the very least it was better than I was expecting it would be.
Every year I force new people to watch this film. It's a hard sell I'll admit, but by the end people were cheering.
A rat drinks Guinness. How zany.
Well, that was 🐀 💩
Rat or human he was a prisoner in his own home... he got WRUNG OUT and LAUNDERED and THROWN OVER A FENCE ONTO A MAGGOT FACTORY (???) AND EXORCISED !! and he was all the better for it..!
It seems that becoming a rat makes you well-adjusted. Makes you better to your spouse. Maybe one day I will become a rat so that I can become normal...... not unlike a butterfly's chrysalis..... I shall temporarily transform....
Part of me is baffled that the Irish film RAT isn't more of a cult thing today - it's from the Jim Henson Company and is directed by the guy that made the first NINJA TURTLES movie. It stars Pete Postlethwaite, Imelda Staunton, and a young Kerry Condon (only her second movie!). And, well, it's about a guy who just inexplicably turns into a rat one night, and how his family just sort of instantly accepts it and tries to decide how to best handle the situation. All of these seem like ingredients for a more beloved movie than it is...but then I have to factor in the fact that, according to Box Office Mojo, this movie's entire box-office take…