An accountant beleaguered by personal and professional problems gets involved with a femme fatale and her mysterious psychiatrist.
An accountant beleaguered by personal and professional problems gets involved with a femme fatale and her mysterious psychiatrist.
Harry Hamlin Lysette Anthony Michael Ironside Steve Railsback Olivia Hussey Bill Nunn Joseph Campanella Neil Ronco Sigal Diamant Kato Kaelin Stephen Landis Randy Mermell Grant Cramer Reilly Murphy Bill Smillie Christine Mitges Greg Lewis Kristine Rose Carrie Vanston Ashlie Rhey Dee Booher Lenny Rose Christine Kendrick Marjorie Kochan Armond Azencot Alan Amiel Stan Yale
Marjorie Kochan Dennis Madalone Patrick J. Statham Jerry Spicer Cole S. McKay John Branagan Ellen Statham Don Pike Rob King John Barrett
Engaño mortal, Sklave des Verlangens, 激情惊爆点, Врятуй мене, Ments meg, mert ölnöm kell!, Спасите! Умоляю!, 세이브 미, 激情驚爆點, გადამარჩინე
Average "woman brings danger"-story with bed scenes reminding of bizarre wrestling matches. A slow repetition of ridiculous clichés.
Now, this is an awesome movie poster.
Save Me is ‘90s erotic-noir to the bone. Harry Hamlin has a short mullet, and Lysette Anthony is about as smokin’ hot as humanly possible. Hot damn! She sure does have nice big round eyes.
Harry Hamlin’s character is a complete moron, but at least we get cool supporting turns from Bill Nunn, Michael Ironside and Steve Railsback. Hell, I even spotted Kato Kaelin. What does that tell you about this movie?
I guess you watch Save Me if you like hot women doing very naughty things. It starts out slow, but the middle of the film really picks up the Body Heat. I like the ending as well, because it ends a little bit different than you might expect.
If you ever watched late night Cinemax, then Save Me might be the movie for you.
this harry hamlin E.T. begins with a tale as old as time... marital strife that sends him straight into the race car bed of his school age child which then turns into them shaving their faces in front of the bathroom mirror, which is def the vibe we want to open with in a horny sex movie. he's an accountant, which is for sure one of the hornier professions, who accidentally follows a woman into a lingerie shop only to accidentally peep on her as she tries on a sexy adult woman onesie. yes, get over it already god we all know this is exactly the kind of masculine mistake that warms my ice cold sheheart. we know!!! we all…
The jokes around the title write themselves. If anyone has seen this film, I present the following questions:
1. If Harry Hamlin is a decent family man, why he is stalking random English women and watching them try lingerie on in the world's worst clothes shop?
2. Does Harry Hamlin demonstrate he has any skills whatsoever to do his job?
3. Does Harry Hamlin's job consist of him turning up to an office and nothing else? (Question 2 still applies if the answer is yes)
4. How does Harry Hamlin have a body like that when he does no exercise whatsoever and his job involves sitting at a desk?
5. Is Harry Hamlin's character the reason we all get e-mails…
Harry Hamlin has a lot of five o clock shadow in this.
Plot is easy to predict. It moves sooooo slow, especially when you can tell a few minutes in where it's headed, and takes forever to get it moving. As soon as Lysette leaves him a post-it saying 'save me' while giving him crazy dead stares, I was like oh, I see.
Sex scenes not very compelling, too robotic, flat, nothing arousing or hot. If you're going to stage a scene with people having sex in a car in public, there's probably more suspense and tension you could do with them trying to do it somewhat sneakily and out of view.
there's a Margot Kidder movie in the 70's that has a similar premise.
and of course,
I read afterwards that Kato Kaelin is in this.
I missed him.
This kind of sleaze is right up my alley. Perseus from Clash of the Titans enters into a highly charged sexual relationship with Lucy from Dracula Dead and Loving It. Her therapist/man friend makes desperate attempts to get her back, causing Perseus to becoming more paranoid and ultimately, more controlling of Lucy.
There's a lot of sex scenes between the two main characters and you're left with a healthy amount of intrigue, if not totally titillated. Scuzzy business partners, reluctant cops, and threatening phone calls all add enough flavoring to this erotic thriller stew that you should have enough to keep you satisfied. But I gotta admit, the voices were so low in the mix, I had to turn subtitles on.
I think I'll call this Flash of the Titters.
I'm gonna go home and take a shower. Then I'm gonna fuck your girl.
Jim (Harry Hamlin) has a blind date because his friends says he needs to get laid. He still wears his ring despite his recent separation with his wife. Then, as he's wearing his dress shirt with a tie underneath his super cool leather jacket, he sees a blonde babe walk by. So he follows her into the lingerie store, naturally. Jim sees her as a bearded man comes up and yells at her. While she and the man hug, she leaves a stealthy sticky note on the wall for Jim. It says "Save me" in sexy cursive (that's how you know she's worth it) and her…
A man who is divorcing his wife gets involved with a beautiful blonde who is married to an abusive husband.
The first half of the film is good. It has a somewhat interesting plot and good erotic scenes. It's a shame that in the second half of the movie practically no one takes their clothes off or have sex.
Well-known names like Michael Ironside, who plays the abusive husband, and Olivia Hussey, who makes a cameo appearance at the beginning as the broker's wife, help draw attention to the film, but the highlight is the beautiful and hot Lysette Anthony. "Save Me" is worth watching for her alone and for the first 40 or 50 minutes.
This review may contain spoilers. I can handle the truth.
A sexy melodrama
A single father going through a separation with his ex meets a woman whom appears to be in an abusive relationship and their worlds collide
I had a decent time with this one but I didn't love it. It was mostly the wrap-up of the story that left me wishing for something a bit more interesting. As is pretty common with these types of movies for me recently, I liked the build-up to everything better than the conclusion.
Kato Kaelin is in this!? 😆 credited with 2 roles even!
Jesse V. Johnson is credited with Art Direction on this one
Cole McKay is a stuntman 👍 his name seems to show up on a lot of movies...
It's kind of frustrating in hindsight that Ironside's character didn't just explain the situation to Hamlin's character when they spoke a couple of times early on in the movie. But then I guess we wouldn't have a story to follow...
Despite some lame twists as well as the fact that the main protagonist is a dumbass who gets himself into serious trouble by having an affair with this gorgeous but crazy lady. The film is still a fun erotic thriller of sorts as it plays into a troubled accountant who is going through a divorce as he falls for this beautiful woman only to put himself into trouble though who wouldn't want to have sex with Lysette Anthony?
2017 is going to be the year of the erotic thriller and I'm getting stuff going early.
This movie is goofy fun. Nonsensical twists and turns and red herrings and attempted murders and nudity. It's all I ever ask from movies.