Dr. Bill Matthews is struck by lighting. While recovering at the hospital where he works, he begins an intimate relationship with Dr. Craig Murphy, who invites Bill to join a strange group of lightning survivors.
Dr. Bill Matthews is struck by lighting. While recovering at the hospital where he works, he begins an intimate relationship with Dr. Craig Murphy, who invites Bill to join a strange group of lightning survivors.
Weird, decently fun bit of schlock about a guy who gets hit by lightning and becomes addicted to electricity - with sexy results! Well, moderately sexy; it's not nearly as erotic as the cover image might make you think, it just has a casual attitude towards nudity. Not sure what it says about America that one of the most shocking things here is just seeing average, unfluffed penises instead of cutting away or using supersized prosthetics.
This was a lot more refreshing when it first hit home video around 2007, before the boom in 1980s nostalgia, and I enjoyed it then as a throwback to the trashy, low budget scifi/horror movies I grew up with. On rewatch I…
This is clearly a low budget movie but I could have overlooked the technical aspects if the screenplay had been better.
They tried to create tension and build up to the "big" revelation, but the movie ended up being slow and boring.
There were some interesting ideas but that's really it.
Don't do drugs, kids!
🏳️🌈 Queer Film Challenge 2024 Movie #40/50
📽 Task 38. A sci fi movie with queer characters or directed by a queer person
Aud, my friend.
More like stepFAG!
Crash meets Shocker and turn the gay dial up to 1000. This rules stupid hard I’m in disbelief
for a gay horror about electrojunkies, it's shockingly low energy.
but thumbs up for thinking out of the (fuse) box!
Kind of a low-budget, queer counterpart to Cronenberg's "Crash", only here the kink is lightning strike survivors who get sexual gratification from electricity. Fairly ambitious and odd, but the execution doesn't live up to the concepts. The dialogue in particular is somewhat basic, flat conversations in the middle of really bizarre situations. But absolute credit for trying something so unusual.
This film is about addiction, and its overpowering uncontrollable effects -- Story premise is interesting; acting is mediocre -- Unless you are desperate for a gay themed sci-fi/horror film no matter what, you may want to pass this one by.
Fighting the urge to make about a thousand puns about electricity, I will say that "Socket" is a valiant entry in the gay horror subgenre- and yes, I saw "HellBent." Surgeon Bill (Derek Long) is electrocuted and recovering in his own hospital under the care of a battleaxe colleague (Alexandra Billings) and overly interested intern Murphy (Matthew Montgomery, who looks like Eric Bana's little brother). Still weak, but better, Bill is released and sent home to be checked on by friend Carol (Rasool Jahan). Bill begins feeling a little odd. He suddenly starts organizing and cleaning up his normally trashed house. He leaves the television on constantly, fascinated with the staticky snow pattern on off-air channels. He remembers intern Murphy…
On the one hand I’m glad I didn’t accidentally just randomly buy a porn (which it REALLY seemed like I had at the beginning of this) but on the other it would have been SO much more interesting if it actually was 😭
Doctor becomes obsessed with electric shocks. Part comic book origin story. Part addiction parable. On the plus side an unusual premise and a healthy dose of eye candy. On the minus side amateur filmmaking and a slooow pace.
A group of gay lightning strike survivors, body modification, meth parable.... It's the hallucinogenic gay body horror flick that David Cronenberg never gave us.
A diamond in the rough atop bad gay movie mountain on Ex Rated!