Taking place in real time, elementary school teacher Emily organizes a mixer of like-minded women, but an altercation between a woman from Emily’s past and the group leads to a volatile chain of events.
Taking place in real time, elementary school teacher Emily organizes a mixer of like-minded women, but an altercation between a woman from Emily’s past and the group leads to a volatile chain of events.
Tout doucement, Soft and Quiet, El club del odio, ソフト/クワイエット, 温柔安静的女人们, Тихо и мирно, Suaves e Discretas, 소프트 & 콰이어트, Wtajemniczone, Nežno in tiho, El club de l’odi, ย่องเงียบสางแค้นเก่า
This review may contain spoilers. I can handle the truth.
It should be illegal to end a movie about a bunch of nazis doing evil shit without showing them getting their comeuppance
I hated the core group of characters in this film with every fiber of my being. I'm not sure what the message was or if there even was one. I hate racist ppl and everything they represent. Plain and simple. One of the most uncomfortable movies I've watched. Sad thing is there really are horrible ppl out there like these characters. Hope they all burn in hell.
Real world horror that's gonna make everyone who watches uncomfortable. This should come with a trigger warning.
On a positive note its a well shot indie film and its competently acted.
Really struggling to figure out what the ultimate goal of this was. Anyone who is on the side of the movie's message (which we all should be) isn't learning anything new, instead just being confronted with a disgusting reality that we see every single day with nothing to gain from it other than being violently provoked for no reason. Anyone who isn't on the side of the message would have no interest in it.
It ultimately feels like a movie that will have a lot of white people feeling good about ourselves and giving ourselves a pat on the back and an excuse to not confront our own racism because “at least we're not racist like this.” I see these…
Went in blind and that pie was the biggest jumpscare of my fucking life.
I have no idea what this movie could possibly be trying to prove. it’s 90 minutes of watching trauma, for the sake of watching trauma. Yes, it’s horrifying, but for what reason? My only assumption is that it has been made to make you feel uncomfortable as possible. There is so many films that tackle modern racism well, but for me this is not one of those films. It comes across as a superficial film that’s only purpose is to anger, and not provoke thought. Yes, it’s shot well and I’m clearly angered more due to how convincing some of the performances were, but I’m not giving it credit for these things when I think that the film is morally wrong in the first place. If you like it and managed to gain something from it, that’s fine, but I did not.
i'm tired of torture porn movies made for the white gaze.
i don't need a movie to tell me how terrible white women are or all the ways white women tears are fake when i can just watch the news or go on twitter or literally just talk to my family and friends. one of the biggest problems in soft & quiet is the way that this movie did zero effort in trying to characterize and humanize its poc characters. they were just plot devices that the film used to show us how awful racist women are. it's not nearly as reflective as it thinks it is and instead relies on an increasingly disgusting situation in order to keep the audience…
stop making movies for white people.
stop making movies so white people can learn about racism .
if you thought this movie was “shocking” and delivering an important message, you’re part of the problem.
whoever this movie is intended for… y’all are late to the party. as a black woman, i’ve known how insidious white women can be from jump. can’t even call this exhausting because it’s such a known/lived experience that it almost feels boring and uninspired.
it’s well made and the real time (one take?) is cool and all, but i can’t even really appreciate it when i’m questioning the existence of this movie in the first place.
the one star here is solely for olivia luccardi. i said i wanted more horror from her, but i wish it wasn’t this.
those actors are a little too good idk ...
Wish it had slightly higher ambitions than just hammering the very obvious point that it's pretty easy to trace the slippery trajectory of these specific ideas into tangible acts of violence (and due to the formal gimmick the physical logistics themselves can feel a bit convenient), but it's pretty effectively upsetting to watch as a thriller and that's not nothing.
some of the most vile women put on film, especially when their actions speak louder than their hateful words. I’d love to know exactly what Beth de Araújo was hoping to achieve with this film, what kind of reception was she expecting from her audience? this is the clearcut definition of “misery porn” and truthfully it’s giving me flashbacks to the godawful taste Speak No Evil left me with, two movies that clearly want it’s audience to dig themselves their own grave.
for a debut, the movie itself is shot to perfection, it’s claustrophobic in its single-mindedness, mean-spirited as it is tense, emotional and reallllllly aware of itself. I wish I could say I don’t want to live in a world like this but unfortunately we all do.
Unflinching, uncomfortable, disturbing, and generally just a horrible experience. I LOVED IT.
Incredibly racist people do incredibly shitty things then the movie ends. Wow, my eyes have been opened.