When retiree Don declares he no longer wants the new spa he’s just ordered, Ivan the deliveryman suspects there’s more to the story than Don is willing to admit.
When retiree Don declares he no longer wants the new spa he’s just ordered, Ivan the deliveryman suspects there’s more to the story than Don is willing to admit.
Pack it up boys!
Jsp si le film est vraiment guez ou si j'en ai marre d'avoir vu 50 fois une version à peine différente mais je suis sûr que y a quelqu'un à la fac qui a fait un meilleur montage avec ces rushes de con.
Virer moi l'ingénieur son svp
Ok maintenant que c'est dit voici un top 11 des meilleurs citations qui resteront à jamais gravé dans l'histoire du cinéma.
12 : Oh, you don't want it
11 : (jeux d'acteur en carton) Oh boy, poor bastard...
10 : Ladies 🤪🤗
9 : Make it happen Leroy 😘
8 : We are talking HERE !!!!
7 : making up for all the missed Valentine days, huh 😉
6 : delivery... delivery ?!
5 : If the man doesn't want it, he doesn't have to take it !
4 : Actu... l murmure du vieux monsieur.... it's for my wi...
3 : Hey Don, do you want to try the bubbles 😏
2 : I see you in that chief !
1 : Pack it up boys
N'hésitez pas à me commenter votre citation favorite pour que je la rajoute au classement.
if the man doesn’t want it HE DOESNT HAVE TO TAKE IT
Je vais sauver ce film et après il sera un 5/5
Ah, making up for all those forgotten Valentines Day's, huh?
When I started my film course at university, we were given access to raw recordings from this short movie, so we could familiarize ourselves with Avid Media Composer and get a grip of editing.
It's fun to see the full short movie where all those clips came from.
Wheres your hose mate, I'll get it gurgling.
Best thing about this short is I got one funny shot for my practice showreel in college.
only the realest know☝️☝️
Watched 10 different cuts of this in a row.
i also hate when it’s friday aft, there’s peak hour traffic, and the semis are on
100% edited on avid
i love seeing fat nipples