One of a kind
An English girl and an Indian elephant, born on the same day, share a common destiny...
An English girl and an Indian elephant, born on the same day, share a common destiny...
Tusk: Amor y furia, 象牙
Not to be confused with Kevin Smith’s terrible film TUSK (2014), Jodorowsky’s TUSK (1980) is equally terrible in its own way, but where Kevin’s film reaches the status of “it’s so bad it’s actually really funny” hall of fame, Alejandro’s film is just “so bad it’s just plain boring.” The only thing preventing me from giving this snooze fest a half star are the elephants. Such majestic, elegant creatures! It must’ve been remarkably difficult to shoot with them, but Jodorowsky choreographs them in ways that are theatrically impressive.
Still, this thing is nothing like Jodorowsky’s previous work. He sacrifices all the mystical-psychedelic charm and kooky enlightenment that made his other epics so enthralling to watch for a straightforward, borderline melodrama that reads too much like a crappy children’s book. No wonder he ended up disowning it.
Least favourite Jodorwsky film. Needs less elephants and more midgets.
Am absolute slog fest and if it wasn’t for Jodorowsky and the elephants I would never have watched this mediocre melodrama
Even Jodorowsky disowned this, and apparently Rainbow Thief, which I’ll of course watch because I SIMPly adore Jodorowsky
Special shoutout to the sick VHS warped soundtrack
Of the six films that Jodorowsky has directed since taking up film, he has seen fit to disown two of them. Neither of these orphaned films were born from Jodorowsky's frenetic mind, one was based on a children's story and the other was a fully formed (and fully off limits) script, with Jodorowsky brought in as "director for hire".
The first of these films, the French production Tusk, was based on a children's book and obviously aimed at a market that wasn't crying out for leopard tits and drowning lepers. Tusk follows the adventures of Elise (Cyrielle Clair), a young girl growing up in colonial India and the elephant she shares a bond with. It's a sedate affair on the…
''It's one of those Indian evil demons!''
Despite its aggressively negative reception on letterboxd, Tusk is a perfectly charming little family friendly period piece, reminiscent of films like The Secret Garden and The Railway Children, but with a distinct thread of French 'bande dessinee' comic book influence running through it all.
I don't really understand the negative reception here at all.
Tusk isn't nearly as boring as is being claimed, the filmmaking is very obviously Jodorowsky's—though definitely toned down for children, it still has some gorgeous shots and spectacular setpieces—and the soundtrack is fantastic.
I suspect the half-star and one-star reviews stem from a combination of mismanaged expectations—this was never going to be surrealist Jodorowsky, and there was no reason…
J'ai eu la chance de voir ce chef d'œuvre restauré et en supplement d'avoir posé une question à jodorowsky qui l'a fait rire
bref meilleur soirée un film incroyable que tout le monde doit voir je n'en dit pas plus apart longue vie à notre sorcier préféré !!!!
Jodorowsky is the goat and this is a piece of shit
Avant première de la director cut
Je pourrais écouter Jodorowsky parler pendant des heures
Un événement que son film soit enfin tel qu’il le souhaite, je ne peux pas comparer avec le premier montage ne l’ayant pas vu.
On est sur un conte à l’innocence touchante et poétique sur fond de colonialisme , un film mineur dans sa filmo mais qui mérite tout à fait votre intérêt.
Continuing my Jodorowsky journey, and considered by many to be the worst of his filmography….well they’re not ENTIRELY wrong😕
I feel like there is nothing wrong per se as in terms of the technical aspects of this film being made, I just feel like this is a film that doesn’t really do much until the second half of the movie. For the first 15 minutes of the film it’s nothing but extremely loud and obnoxious noises, followed by a birth, followed by more noises, followed by more shenanigans, and then the story begins. And before you know it, the film is bland and boring.
I’m honestly more confused than I am upset. This doesn’t feel like a Jodorowsky film at…
After the theatrical release of THE HOLY MOUNTAIN andh is failure to get his five hour version of DUNE brought onto film,genre filmmaker Alejandro Jodorowsky(SANTA SANGRE,THE DREAM OF REALITY) turned toward this unique India lensed French feature that has a young woman(Cyrielle Clair[FRANTZ,SWORD OF THE VALIENT]) and her close psychic bound with the title elephant that was born at the same time that she was at her father(Anton Diffring[CIRCUS OF HORRORS,WHERE EAGLES DARE])'s India based home,as she continues to cater to and care for Tusk the elephant while a group of bad guys vow to entrap and kill Tusk,with an American hunter(Chris Mitchum[BIG JAKE,SANTA'S SUMMER HOUSE]) switching sides in coming to Clair's and Tusk's aid to save him.
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This is one of his most simple film that I have seen from AJ and it is rather an average film compared to his other ones. I was kind of bored at times because it was rather tamed down on what he usual does in his films. I guess the fact that he couldn't make Dune might have drained him a little of his creativity.