It'll blow your mind
A male prison escapee heads for his hidden loot, electronically attached to a female prisoner.
A male prison escapee heads for his hidden loot, electronically attached to a female prisoner.
Rutger Hauer Mimi Rogers Joan Chen James Remar Stephen Tobolowsky Basil Wallace Grand L. Bush Denis Forest Glenn Plummer Belle Avery Ismael 'East' Carlo Ed Crick Zaid Farid Richard Gilbert-Hill Colin Hamilton O-Lan Jones Christopher Judges Tina Lifford Kathe Mazur Preston Maybank Bob Moran Doug MacHugh Sherri Paysinger Martyn St. David Albert Stratton Danny Trejo Charles Walker Marcie Jo Warren Harry Johnson
Pat Romano Rick Seaman Rex Pierson J. Suzanne Rampe Steve Vandeman Bernie Pock Brad Orrison Dean W. Miller Anthony Cecere Patricia Tallman Don Pulford Chuck Hicks Dennis Scott Carol Neilson Michael Haynes Perry Barndt Gary Lee Davis Phil Adams Rick Shuster Rob King Maria R. Kelly Ray Bickel Dean Abston Randy Hall Pat Banta Kristi Frankenheimer Glory Fioramonti Dwayne McGee Danny Epper Bud Davis Hal Burton Lynn Salvatori
Deadlock, Обрученные смертью, Peligrosamente unidos, Wedlock - Auf Flucht steht Tod, 血锁飞龙, Sotto massima sorveglianza, Смертельные узы, Bračna spona, Bilincsbe verve, Obojek, Obojok, Уедлок, Obroża, Aliança Mortal, 개 목걸이, 惊爆轰天雷
Starring: The Wicked, Charming, Dutch Icon Rutger Hauer
I'm starting to suspect that Suicide Squad's "novelty" with the explosive gadget that blows criminal minds isn't all that novel after all.
An entertaining film about a group of inmates in a special prison in the future, where many convicted criminals are stripped of their humanity and fitted with a device that "shackles" them to a "partner," and where, if separated from their partner for too long, they risk having their brains blown all over the place and literally losing their minds in a cool Scanner-esque practical effect.
Rutger Hauer plays a rather gruff yet charming robber who is imprisoned and has this female immate as a partner. They get away from…
sweetest direct-to-TV 90s camp that gave the 12yrs old me several good late night moments in front of the telly. a bonkers premise and in-your-face execution leads to an excellent trash fest with a couple of good enough underperformances from the likes of Hauer, Remar and Tobolowsky.
Rutger Hauer geht immer, soviel steht fest. Und der Film………lange nicht gesehen, aber eben einer dieser Filme, die sehr gut gealtert sind und noch immer bestes B-Futter abliefern.
Inklusive der schwerst unterschätzten Joan Chen, der Knackfigur Mimi Rogers und dem immer gern gesehenen James Remar.
Von Lewis Teague (der Horror-Alligator, Cujo, Katzenauge, Navy Seals, auf der Jagd nach dem grünen Diamanten) spannend inszenierter Mix aus Knast/Fluchtfilm mit einer Prise SciFi und knackig explodierenden Köpfen.
Sympathisches 90er Videothekenfutter zum Wiederentdecken oder aber einfach nur zum Kennenlernen.
Came for Rutger Hauer stayed for the exploding collars! You would think with a movie plot based around having to wear collars that could cause your head to explode there would be more exploding head action but it wasn't to be. After Frank (Rutger Hauer) is convicted of stealing diamonds he is sent to a prison where each prisoner has an unknown partner. If they are more than 100 yards from their partner at any time the explosive collars will detonate. Frank and his partner played by Mimi Rogers escape to try and recover the diamonds he hid and ensure their heads don't explode in the process.
I enjoyed the premise for what it was even if I have seen…
Probably the best movie about what it would be like if prisons adopted a Wedlock-type system
"It will blow your mind!"
Yeah tell me about it! This was some over the top B movie trash dang! A dystopian sci fi prison film with an enjoyable cast and a ridiculous premise. Camp Holiday is a state of the art prison with exploding collars to prevent escapees! If you get more than a hundred yards away from your "Wedlock" partner KABLAMMO! YOUR HEAD EXPLODES!
Rutger Hauer plays Frank Warren (or Magenta as the mean prisoners nicknamed him). When Frank finds out who is wedlock partner is he attempts a daring escape! But can the escapees stay close enough to prevent their heads from exploding???
There's lots of silly stuff going on here but it didn't quite hit those wacky illogical peaks I had hoped for. It kinda feels like a bad late night syfy channel special. Hauers goofy performance and the couple of exploding head scenes are the highlights.
I remember getting my older cousin to rent this on VHS for me and my brother back in the days when every shop had a rental section. Its the first in a trifecta of futuristic prison movie's that came out around this time (along with Fortress and No Escape) although much of it isn't set in the actual prison.
Rutger Hauer, sporting a beautiful blonde mullet and some ridiculous 80's fashion stars as Frank, a diamond thief who is double crossed by his partners and ends up in Camp Holiday, a prison where the inmates wear neck collars, linked to another unknown prisoner, the collars will explode (decapitating the prisoner) if the prisoners stray 100 yards away from each other.…
The team Edward/Jacob of our day, you were either Rutger Hauer's team Wedlock (Wedlocker) or Christopher Camembert's team Fortress (Fortress...person). Maybe you liked both. Bit greedy, but that's cool.
Joking aside, they're actually very different films if you exclude the exploding electronic devices and similar back stories for the protagonists.
Truth be told I can't even remember if I've seen Fortress and I thought I knew the plot to Wedlock quite well but obviously not.
It most certainly doesn't all take place in prison (it's actually only about 10/15 minutes) and it's not set in the future like I thought. It's just a state of the art experimental thing. Also only one person's head explodes! Felt a bit cheated on…
the Defiant Ones meets The Running Man premise works but never quite lives up to its batshit potential, turning in something that feels more like a tepid techno-thriller than the wild exploitation movie it wants (or I wanted it) to be -- worth watching alone for Joan Chen and at least one gnarly exploding head
I love a good exploding head prison movie and this one has a nice dystopian future backdrop. I’d never purposefully dug into the filmography of Lewis Teague, despite my affection for most of his movies. I usually assumed the ecology themes in Alligator were pushed forward by writer John Sayles, but in thinking about it, a lot of his movies (that I’ve seen) have well placed morals and messages just under the surface. The fragility of the American family is exposed as symbolized by the family dog in Cujo, unchecked capitalism becomes the real cause of the titular Avalanche, ummm...I haven’t seen Jewel of the Nile, Navy Seals, or Cat’s Eye since I was a kid, but I’m sure I…
Heist- Knast- „Auf der Flucht“ … Entschärfungs- Thriller, Lovestory … Alles „light“ iwo zwischen TV- und Kino angesiedelt …
In naher Zukunft stand (zu Beginn) geschrieben … und dann klebt da ein paar Min später n Kino Banner welcher MARKED FOR DEATH und DIE HARD 2 im Double- Feature zelebriert … Perfekte Illusion … 🤣
Der Rest ist unterhaltend und bedeutungslos zugleich. Grad das zu kurze Knast Setting mit (nomma kürzer) MACHETE und „Screwface“ (genau … MARKED FOR DEATH)… Die Silberlocke aus SPEED bzw. Mr „Handtuch“- Horny GLENN PLUMMER aus SHOWGIRLS meldet sich au zu Wort … hat mir eigentlich ganz gut gefallen …
RUTGER wirkt n bissi hüftsteif und scheint ne Woche am Buffet gepennt zu haben … Komisch. In…
Needed to commit to and embrace a more scifi dystopian aesthetic; Get a bit more bonkers with it... like Stuart Gordan's Fortress. Sadly it ends up being quite pedestrian.
Rutger Hauer's drip is fire though 🔥... 5/5 everyday of the week.