1944, Apr 13? - 1945, Apr 7 (opens Apr 6, '05)
Nothing good to say about this. Plot ostensibly follows the Japanese battleship 'Yamato' during its final year of service. However, the backstory of the war presented is simplistic, superficial, unapologetic, and really plays up Japan's victimhood. And the cheap CGI is even bad. You never even get a sense of the ship's true scale. Main focus of film are a couple crew on several shore leaves, and the modern flashback sequences set to coincide w/ the 60th anniversary of its kamikaze mission and sinking en route to Okinawa. See also 'Imperial Navy.'
Note: After repairs for torpedo damage Yamato leaves Kure naval yard mid-Apr, '44; Battle of Leyte Gulf Oct 23-26 (a footnote in the film); Allies land on Okinawa Apr 1, '45.
For more WW2 movies placed in a historical context see list 'WWII Films in Chronological Order - TgL' here.