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Recent reviews

  • The Green Fog

    The Green Fog


    This film will mostly only be fun if:

    1. You know Vertigo at least reasonably well
    2. You love movie montages
    3. Guy Maddin has made you laugh in the past

    But if you tick all three boxes, this film is FUN!

    Long live Guy Maddin.

  • Jane Fonda in Five Acts

    Jane Fonda in Five Acts


    For those of us who know and love Jane - who have not only seen her films but have read her books and watched her interviews - there's not much new here. We already know how fascinating, soul-searching, passionate, inspiring, strong, vulnerable, complex, troubled, and honest she is. The great thing about this documentary is simply enjoying that again, and getting a treasure trove of footage to supplement her recollections.

    But, us aside, Jane remains a deeply misunderstood enigma to…

Popular reviews

  • The Little Girl of Hanoi

    The Little Girl of Hanoi


    After viewing countless American films about the Vietnam War, it's refreshing to find a production that comes from the "other side". The Little Girl of Hanoi not only offers an alternative perspective, but it's an authentic document of the conflict, made on location in Hanoi as the war was ending in 1975. Like the far more famous Germany Year Zero, genuine rubble and bombed-out buildings line the streets, and one can sense the personal relevance and immediacy to everyone involved.…

  • The Sound of Music

    The Sound of Music


    If I ever get to a point where this film fails to charm the pants off me, I'll know I've lost all hope.
