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Top 4 are just recent faves
“You should have seen yourself last night”
Rarely have I ever wanted two characters to find their common wavelength as badly as I do with Lee and Allerton. I admire them, I pity them, I want to hate them both, but I can’t.
They both have appetites they wish the other could or would satisfy. At the same time, I think they both wish they were enough for the other.
For Lee’s part, it’s more obvious where he falters.…
Go in as blind as you can. Heavy on the “tragi” and heavy the “comedy”. Quippy, quotable, melancholy, and very human. A smart and handsome man likened it to Shakespeare, and omg yes. so true bestie.
“Can you find the wolves in this picture?”
Perhaps the hardest a trailer tagline has ever hit in its complete context. Too many moving, poignant, gut-wrenching moments to touch on, and even on first watch it feels timeless in its intention. Can’t wait to emotionally recover and watch this again