There just wasn’t much going for this one. Some of the early scares are good. Otherwise, it’s disjointed and I’m really not scared of the demon creature… I was scared of the doll.
Isn’t the doll why we’re all here? Why add a demon creature? :(
This is a film the confidently exists in the same genre as Winter Soldier and Civil War. Is it as good? No. But it’s an immensely enjoyable film that sits a level above popcorn flick.
All of the beats had me reacting emotionally and excitably the whole way through and that earns my respect. Anthony Mackie is endlessly charismatic despite having one of the most annoying characterizations in the film. I can’t tell if he’s supposed to be a bit…
Come bringing your own spirit and wonder and this film will pay extraordinarily.
This is not a movie that is mired with attention to grounded detail about its world or one that will pander to top ten “movie explained” channels set on picking things apart.
No, this is a film with a thesis— “If you can’t change the world, change yourself” and it means that in the most positive way possible. This film stares cynicism and suspicion in the face…