Sandy Dolan

Sandy Dolan

"We had the stars, you and I. And this is given once only."

Favorite films

  • 1917
  • Carol
  • La La Land
  • Little Women

Recent activity

  • Luca


  • Jexi


  • One Day


  • Iron Man 2

Recent reviews

  • Luca



    good for them 🤍

  • Jexi



    A pandemic happened because of this

Popular reviews

  • Never



    Este es de los cortos más bonitos que he visto.

    La fotografía te otorga un sentimiento de serenidad, que te hace sentir tan enamorado cómo las jóvenes protagonistas.

    Sabía que era bueno desde el momento en que empecé a verlo pero el final lo convirtió en uno de mis favoritos.

  • Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker

    Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker


    Finally I get to see this movie without knowing what to think since everything I heard about tros is nothing but hate of what I think is the best movie of the trilogy.

    Yes, I dare to say that it's the best of the trilogy coz unlike the other two, it had no hype at all of the fandom, instead, it had a big barrier to top because all the hate TLJ received.

    Right now I can't say what I…