
foxman Pro

Favorite films

  • The Karate Kid
  • My First Film
  • Stage Fright
  • ZONE

Recent activity

  • Bloody Milk


  • Do Not Disturb


  • Beaten to Death


  • Get Away


Recent reviews

  • Street Trash

    Street Trash

    I rarely find films unbearable, but this one came very close. Yes, the gore is nice and the practical effects are (mostly) well made, but the rest is so obnoxiously wannabe trashy that it worked on my nerves very quickly.

  • To Laugh, to Sing, Perchance to Cry

    To Laugh, to Sing, Perchance to Cry


    Another fantastic entry in the charming microcosm of director Marc Ferrer with fabric instead of wallpapers, bautifully wooden acting, musical numbers, loads of Fassbinder references ("No one can live without Fassbinder"), umbrellas when it's clearly not raining, sketchy queer bars, the word pelicula mentioned at least twenty times, a whole subplot about poppers, an editing mistake (for a split second you can see an error message), and a queer friend group that sticks together. But the highlight is a scene…

Popular reviews

  • Close



    The more I think about this, the more I dislike it. What starts as a tender (but still quite superficial) story about friendship between boys quickly derails and becomes a manipulative and pointless tearjerker. There is not a single point made, it feels meandering for too long, we just watch people who are not doing well, combined with lots of violins and your classic last shot of the main character looking into the distance. I have to mention the actors though, especially Eden Dambrine and Émilie Dequenne give very subtle and pure performances.

  • Axiom



    One of the few times I actually felt physical discomfort while watching a film. Especially the first third is very painful to watch. You see Julius getting entangled in his alternative reality, just pulling it through because he doesn't have a choice anymore. As the story goes on the sense of reality dissolves - I was in doubt the whole time about what was true and what not.
    You could criticise the film for not taking a stand or having…