3D artist with a degree in Film.
Underrated Movies You Should Check Out (Not Ranked) boxd.it/Cwo9I
One of the best Kung Fu movies I've ever seen!
So many fights. Every fight was epic in it's own right. Every fight moved the story forward. The choreography was awesome. The final fight needs to be seen to believed.
The ending was abrupt and part of the story involving one of the brothers just disappeared halfway through the movie. However, I cannot fault the filmmakers for this as I just found out that the actor sadly died in a…
The first 15 minutes were decent and what was advertised - a dumb, R-rated Power Rangers spoof led by a Rat.
Then there was a short film. Followed by a chunk of nothing going on, then another short film and then a random ending with no build-up.
The short films were decent. Twisted and dark, but decent.
In the main story there is frustratingly little narrative. It's a 75 minute movie. Once you take out the opening title, both short…
There was a lot more drama to this than the trailer suggested.
Jeffrey Wright was fantastic. Extremely well acted and a great concept. Also liked how the film handled family dynamics in a broken family.
The script struggled with showing the passage of time as well as pacing.
Personally felt like the end was quite a let down and too meta for its own good.
Unfortunately it didn't live up to the trailer which I found very funny.
The house party was entertaining enough. Some characters were a lot funnier than others. Some deaths were funny.
But the wrong characters get killed too early, the remaining supporting characters are extremely forgettable or annoying. The kills are also not well spread out.
The script very much felt like a first draft and features some of the worst "hacking" moments I've ever seen that also didn't feel…