

5/5 = average
4.5/5 and lower = bad

Favorite films

  • Boogie Nights
  • The Princess Bride
  • Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind
  • The Social Network

Recent activity

  • Novocaine


  • Sing Sing


  • Find Me Guilty


  • Love Lies Bleeding


Recent reviews

  • Nope



    Nope? More like Yep!

    It didn't go into the direction I thought it was going in, a very good Mystery and definitely recommended!

  • You Cannot Kill David Arquette

    You Cannot Kill David Arquette


    As someone who watched a lot of wrestling back in the day (Especially the attitude era) I was kind of familiar with this story already, David Arquette winning the world championship in WCW is one of the multiple big reasons WCW died as early as it did, The promotion was seen as a huge joke, letting a celeb who never wrestled a day in his life win the WORLD TITLE, and for ever seen as joke in the film industry…

Popular reviews

  • Whiplash



    Absolute masterpiece

    There are no 2 words in the english language more harmful than "Good Job"

  • Submarine



    Scavenger Hunt #49 - April

    My List


    Task 27 - Go to ANYONE that gave Movie #26 a 2.5-star rating and find another movie they saw this year!

    Man, Richard Ayoade is a really funny man, and a very capable director. This was a really quirky film, with some really heartfelt moments. Richard Ayoade Has obviously taken a a lot of inspiration from Wes Anderson, but still makes it his own. Submarine is a really great coming of age film and a must watch for anyone who loves that genre.