

Habitual smart ass and meme connoisseur . Horror hound at heart but a fan many genres.
IG: @g0re_tex

Favorite films

  • GoodFellas
  • Pieces
  • Blood and Black Lace
  • Bound by Honor

Recent activity

  • The Prowler


  • Watchmen


  • The Boondock Saints


  • Society


Recent reviews

  • The Prowler

    The Prowler


    Im here for our date, Rose 🥀

    I much prefer the OG title ,Rosemary's killer, but this is an absolute gem of a slasher regardless. Savini works his FX magic as always with some of his best silver screen kills and close ups. 80s slasher to the bone and a unique look for the killer that i cant get enough of. We need more military slashers, it seems to be lacking in that department severely. Always a fun watch 🔪

  • Watchmen



    U L T I M A T E

    I think I prefer the theatrical instead.

Popular reviews

  • Tokyo Gore Police

    Tokyo Gore Police



    What a ride this one was! Absolutely bat shit insane and no shortage of blood and guts or flying extremities! I definitely did not have acid tiddy milk, a nubby gimp with blades or bloody jetpack legs on my bingo card but im here for all of it 😂 I'm disappointed in myself for not seeing this sooner but better late than never eh? Ive always heard good things and I now i see why 🤌🏼 The engineers…

  • Terrifier 3

    Terrifier 3



    Gah damn what a fuckin sequel! I'm a fan of 2 but this bigger budget was noticeable and welcomed. An instant Christmas staple. There were a couple of parts that I didn't care for but they didn't take away from it. I did see some nods to some classics and a deserved kill that im sure others will agree with 😂 Ngl i was hoping to see someone leave the theater but no dice. First 10 min though *chefs kiss*🤌🏼 stoked to see leone didnt hold back!

    Go see it, the little gore whore inside of you will be ecstatic
