Buy the ticket, take the ride.
The score, the sweeping desert, Tuco and Blondies relationship. Everything about this movie is pure gold. I regret not having seen this sooner. I watched the extended cut for a first viewing so I have no idea what is added In, but nothing felt too out of place. Every scene was special.
What a perfect adaption of Nosferatu/Dracula. While drawing mainly from the German version, there are sprinkles of Stoker’s version in the film.
Willem Defoe and Lily Rose Depp were easily the best parts of the movie, with Skarsgard and Hoult close behind during their encounter at the castle. The entire cast were on point with the insanity.
The set design was incredible, using the original castle was also an inspired move.
The shot choice, camera movement, colours of the…
Watch #5:
I told Samey “Let me just show you the intro” and we ended up watching the whole thing. What a goddamn amazing movie, not a single wasted shot, dialogue or sound. Everything just flows and plays into the hectic environment of the story.