I love a lot of movies and I rate the enjoyment I can get through them.

Favorite films

  • Star Wars
  • Aliens
  • Videodrome
  • Inferno

Recent activity

  • Mickey 17


  • Flesh for Frankenstein


  • The Super Inframan


  • The Beast


Recent reviews

  • Mickey 17

    Mickey 17


    There are not many directors that are able to juggle so many different tones in a single movie and have it still work out.

  • Flesh for Frankenstein

    Flesh for Frankenstein


    I actually didnt wanted to rate this wild mix of movieblood and random acts of sex way worse but somehow it all worked out in its weird bizzarnes. Its just not so wonderfully absurd as Warhols Dracula.

    Ich wollte diesen wilden Mix aus literweise Kunstblut und wilden gevögel eigentlich erheblich schlechter bewerten, aber irgendwie hats dann doch alles in seiner Bizarrität gepasst. Ist aber nicht so wunderbar absurd wie Warhols Dracula.

Popular reviews

  • Gremlins 2: The New Batch

    Gremlins 2: The New Batch


    Gremlins 2 was actually a emergency movie for tonight since I didnt had the UHD Player hooked on and another movies disc was busted, but jesus christ, was this amazing. The movie is so crazy and over the top absurd and stupid but still great.

    I just felt very bad for poor guy Gismo, he had to eat a lot shit in this movie 😩🙈

  • Welcome to the Club

    Welcome to the Club


    I mean, at least its better then the other ones?