I love a lot of movies and I rate the enjoyment I can get through them.

Favorite films

  • Star Wars
  • Aliens
  • Videodrome
  • Inferno

Recent activity

  • On the Beach


  • The Great Dictator


  • Super Mario Bros.


  • Good Morning, Vietnam


Recent reviews

  • On the Beach

    On the Beach


    The movie is very slow, but I enjoyed the middle part where they go on a Submarine-Mission to the coast of america to investigate the outfall of the nuclear fallout. I appreciated a lot how the movie manages to show the continuing desperation and how everyone just stopst to give a shit about everything.

    Fand den Film sehr langwiedrig, der Mittelpart mit der U-Boot Expedition war toll und spannend und das Ende auch besser als der Antwort weil sich die fortschreitende Verzweiflung der Leute sich immer deutlicher dargestellt hat,

  • The Great Dictator

    The Great Dictator


    The Slapstick didnt do much for me and it always sounded like the mixup parts were much much longer and the actual meat of the movie and not just the last 10 minutes, but the speech at the end is just the best in any movie ever.

    Der Slapstick hat für mich nicht besonders funktioniert und es hatte sich immer angehört, als wäre der Verwechslungsteil im Film viel viel länger und der eigentliche Hauptteil des Films, die Rede am Ende ist aber einfach nur die beste in einem Film die je gehalten wurde.

Popular reviews

  • Gremlins 2: The New Batch

    Gremlins 2: The New Batch


    Gremlins 2 was actually a emergency movie for tonight since I didnt had the UHD Player hooked on and another movies disc was busted, but jesus christ, was this amazing. The movie is so crazy and over the top absurd and stupid but still great.

    I just felt very bad for poor guy Gismo, he had to eat a lot shit in this movie 😩🙈

  • Welcome to the Club

    Welcome to the Club


    I mean, at least its better then the other ones?