G Benett

G Benett

Non-academic cinephile since the early 1980s

Favorite films

  • Alice in the Cities
  • My Neighbor Totoro
  • Over Your Cities Grass Will Grow
  • Drive

Recent activity

  • Flow


  • Night Raiders


  • Malcolm X


  • Buy Now! The Shopping Conspiracy


Recent reviews

  • I'm Not There

    I'm Not There


    Ambitious failure. What starts off as an engaging experiment in biography loses focus and lost my interest about halfway. Cate Blanchett and the kid who plays Woody are great.

  • Soundtrack to a Coup d'Etat

    Soundtrack to a Coup d'Etat


    Ambitious failure. Confusing and ineptly edited, it might have worked as two or three separate, mercifully shorter films. Jazz is cool.

Popular reviews

  • Civil War

    Civil War


    I've been waiting for Alex Garland to make another great film since Ex Machina - 10 yrs later, still the apex interpretation of AI promise & paranoia. Civil War isn't it. Disappointingly, it is not even about the nightmare prospect of an American civil war, which could stand a smart film treatment as we stand on the precipice. The war setting is generic and could be Sudan or Gaza. Rather, it's an interrogation of war journalism and the crazy embeds who…

  • Ripley



    I'd seen and enjoyed "The Talented Mr. Ripley" (1999) when it came out, but in preparation for the Netflix series I rewatched it, as well as viewing 1960's "Purple Noon" and reading the novel by Patricia Highsmith on which all of these are based. That's more due diligence than I usually put into anything, but it allows me to make the following remarks.

    The black & white Netflix series and brilliantly colorful Purple Noon are tied in cinematographic excellence, each worth…