the grief is Never ending, but so is the love !! ^_^
cannot articulate reviews for the life of me but i Have the Spirit ❤️
in Every generation, cinephiles are Absolute losers that do nothing but watch Movies and talk about them, i love to see the Rep hehe.
WOW, this movie was the epitome of Matching each other's Freak. Niel and Especially Violet's characters were just so fun to observe!! Their personalities matched eachother so well, like having a lame ass movie nerd get mixedup with an mischievous hedonist girl, dare I say a manic pixie dream girl with the terms weirdness aside.. like…
watched this for the Love of mads mikkelsen, and maybe Some more understanding of spacedogs.. why the fuck was he in here for like 10 Minutes max 🙄🙄🙄 leave it to gay people to make a ship with little to no canonical media of a character. Bittersweet love story, touched lots on grief and I always enjoy a fine Ass villain. Charlie was pretty pathetic, but like in an aww a puppy kind of Way if that makes sense. #LOVEWINS
where EVERYBODY in this cast from? 😍😍😍 wow, this movie was the exception to the scifi alien movies i usually dont mess with, it was just such an enjoyable movie!! we got twincest, mommy issues, mention of poly, lesbians, dominant women and pathetic men! This is the Future liberals want... i love the concept with the Creepers, and just the entire storyline regarding them and just Mickey's development.
Also, i am literally in love with Nasha, like oh my fucking…
lovely cinematography, absolutely stunning depiction of the extraterrestrial Entities, this pass was a smash, smash, smash and SMASH omggg but not my Cup of tea, my least favorite of the Peele films.
Couldn't stay Engaged most of the time but i SCREAMED at the alien kids scene omggg, so unsettling.. i wasn't able to Grasp it how others seem to.
I definitely understand why its a movie many people like, just Not for Me or something i could stay intrigued…