
simon Patron

psychic, genius, beautiful
overly generous with ratings
top 4 are current faves...the more absurd the more I love it!

Favorite films

  • Oldboy
  • The Last Black Man in San Francisco
  • Junior
  • White Fang

Recent activity

  • The Fault in Our Stars


  • Thirteen


  • Attached


  • The Metamorphosis


Recent reviews

  • The Fault in Our Stars

    The Fault in Our Stars


    i am so disappointed I remember this as soooo much better and I just reread the book and really liked it but this felt like it had literally none of the good parts of the book and it was just kind of soulless... if I was isaac I would have killed hazel and augustus so fast they were so annoying imagine your best friend starts dating the most boring girl alive and completely stops caring about you that was so…

  • Thirteen



    everytime i rewatch this movie it gets another half star added on... i really do love thirteen and I think mel is like the greatest woman on the planet and I hate brooke more than anything and I love the way evie and tracy's relationship is explored they both violently believe that they could live the other's life so much better. this is obviously very messy and kind of doesn't feel fully formed but that's so much of its charm…

Popular reviews

  • Dare



    i literally love this movie so much it is so bad and inconsistent and not fleshed out but i LVOE IT!!! let me remake this movie same actors same time but i will just write it how it deserves to be written. johnny is the number one guy of all time. this is the most toxic and uncommunicative throuple get out of here challengers but also not because they're barely even a throuple in any way its just one incredibly…

  • The Phantom of the Opera

    The Phantom of the Opera


    this was somehow one of the funniest and cheesiest things I've seen in a long time while also being incredibly heartfelt and wrll-made. the phantom in this was SO GOOD!!! i am this Erik's number one fan... he can have an Oedipus complex if he's this cute and silly and overdramatic with an unidentifiable accent