Four of my favorites not my four favorites.
I don’t log rewatches.
Absolute doodoo shia is the only one worth watching in a nearly 3 hour snooze fest where nothing happens and everyone sucks.
I’ll never get over the Brittany Murphy double in the bathroom scene. That is clearly a 45 yr old man hanging from that noose! No one thought the audience would catch that? Look at his enormous feet!
A fine time at the cinema but nothing memorable. At least spooky season is officially here though.
I’m not sure which scene was more ridiculous and unbelievable..
When US fighter jets came out of absolutely nowhere into the wilderness and dropped test bombs right on top of an area clearly teeming with wildlife, or when the 3 kids literally sang a group of Grizzlies to sleep in under 10 seconds.
This movie feels like what you’d get if you gave an 11 year old boy $100k and told him to make a movie about all his favorite things.