Patient, empathetic storytelling. Part film, part museum piece.
Obligatory book had more emotional weight. Whitehead is a genius
Patient, empathetic storytelling. Part film, part museum piece.
Obligatory book had more emotional weight. Whitehead is a genius
Me and Hannah gotta stop watching movies where we have to cry and hold each other through the credits
An astounding, gut-wrenching film. Takes you through the pulverising emotional torture and violence of Israel’s settlement of the West Bank as Home by Home gets destroyed. There are frequent moments that make your blood boil and heart break. The most sickening scene was the settlers dressed like hippies (dreadlocks, hessian clothing), strapped with guns, smirking as they taunt the Palestinians and break their windows with rocks, all while flanked by the idf
There are few moments of pure joy in this world, but seeing the sandworms emerge to take back Arrakeen brought a big smile to my face.