Now that’s what I call C.I.N.E.M.A
I may
Ever see a
Movie that good
Now that’s what I call C.I.N.E.M.A
I may
Ever see a
Movie that good
Noriko must’ve been stoned the entire movie the way she was always smiling.”Happiness comes through effort.” Man, truer words have never been spoken. Beautiful film. I had this terrible sciatica pain flare up today and this film made me forget all about it for two hours, so thank you for that, Ozu-sama.
I’d let Barbara Stanwyck show me what ‘yum-yum’ is. What a delightful screwball comedy. I’m not surprised to see this was written by Billy Wilder — the screenplay has his fingerprints all over it. And then you have the Howard Hawks influence: Stanwyck’s Sugarpuss O’Shea and her gangster boyfriend. Yeah, it has a silly premise, even for 1941, but I liked the wordplay of it all… on account of because the premise is that Gary Cooper’s Bertram Potts is a…
This review may contain spoilers. I can handle the truth.
Misplace one baby, lose your little brother in the woods one time and they start calling you a witch… smh my head.
Terrific performance from Anya Taylor-Joy early on in her career. She slayed, etc. Also, that ending really sealed the deal for me with this one. Usually I zone out with folk tale-like horror films like this, but Eggers has a way about him where he’s able to tap into something primal inside all of us. Watching people reach their wit’s end is endlessly entertaining. *Larry David voice* Pretty good. Prettttttttay, pretttttttay good.
This was a fine film, no doubt about it. But it was far from excellent. Like Laszlo, my grandfather came over from Hungary after the war. Unlike Laszlo, he wasn’t a brilliant architect, nor was he Jewish, nor could he speak English. I never knew him because he died before I was born but, from what I’m told by my mother, he never felt like an outsider. Whether that was because he and his older brother settled in Canada instead…