

Horror movie fan to the core! Also a big fan of other movies! Man, movies rock!

Favorite films

  • Alien
  • Videodrome
  • The Thing
  • I Saw the TV Glow

Recent activity

  • Iron Man 2


  • Iron Man


  • Attack of the Killer Tomatoes!


  • Michael Bolton's Big, Sexy Valentine's Day Special


Recent reviews

  • Iron Man 2

    Iron Man 2


    The best iron man movie, fuck maybe the best MCU movie, it’s got it all; Iron Man, War Machine, FUCKING WHIPLASH!!! This movie whips, I love it, genuinely not much to say, it does a great quick “demon in a bottle” loose adaptation, it actually has criticism on Tony’s behaviors, and most importantly ITS THE LEAST RACIST AND MOST CRITICAL OF THE MILITARY INDUSTRIAL COMPLEX AND MILITARY CONTRACTING IRON MAN MOVIE LETS FUCKING GOOOO!!!!

    Slight aside, I never liked the…

  • Iron Man

    Iron Man


    I like Iron Man (2008) but I don’t love it, it’s a good time but good fucking god do we wanna talk about how much it reeks of “military industrial complex”? Yeah duh Tony is a military contractor but outside of that it’s all just “wow look at how cool the army is” and I fucking hate that. I hate that the start of the MCU is just dripping in “2008 politics”, because like holy shit it’s going to cast…

Popular reviews

  • Videodrome



    It rules what can I say? Big part of who I am today. Long live the new flesh!

  • Attack of the Killer Tomatoes!

    Attack of the Killer Tomatoes!


    This movie definitely hasn’t aged as well as it did when I was in High School lmao. It’s an awful movie but incredibly fun time. Glad I got to watch it again for my birthday! If you can tolerate a handful of incredibly poorly aged jokes I’d suggest watching it stoned with a few slices of pizza warming your stomach. 

    Attack of the Killer Tomatoes is a ‘Did this movie drop a slur for gay people and Japanese people in a single minute?’/10
