Nate Cohen

Nate Cohen Pro

Favorite films

  • Until the End of the World
  • Braindead
  • The Handmaiden
  • Pain & Gain

Recent activity

  • Grand Theft Hamlet


  • Mickey 17


  • Ghost in the Shell


  • The Patsy


Pinned reviews

  • Babylon



    What a movie! It's propulsive, the soundtrack is incredible, there's a wild smattering of Farrelly Bros esque comedy, Tobey Maguire should be the antagonist of a horror flick about a haunted ventriloquist dummy, this is just like pure excess shoved into something powerful and very well crafted, I am fascinated to see what an even longer version would look like, I understand why this is bombing, but like, come on! Can't we have nice things?

  • Cobra



    God, I've gotta watch more Cannon flicks

Recent reviews

  • Grand Theft Hamlet

    Grand Theft Hamlet


    Sorta just left me feeling adrift in an emotionally resonant way that fully tracks with how I've been these past few months

    Hit me more than I expected it to but always never quite devolved as much as I initially thought it would

    There's some real good shots and evolution of the machinima I've grown up with

    Just sorta vrwwewwwoouegh

  • Mickey 17

    Mickey 17


    I dunno, I just didn't click with this as much as I was hoping for. I was all in on the trailer, the concept, this being Bong's follow-up to Parasite, and the whole too wild to release buzz, combined with the general excitement to see a Bong flick whilst in Korea, just had me wholly on board and it just sorta continued my general trend of not really digging Bong's flicks generally. Don't get me wrong, this isn't bad and…

Popular reviews

  • The Cell

    The Cell


    A movie that didn't quite spook me but did disturb me deeply but weirdly without a sense of horror in that primordial sense of the word, if you can dig what I'm saying. Sorta just that deep pervasive stomach shifting unease and discomfort minus any actual digestive problems.

    Some truly fantastic visuals and concepts throughout. Was a true bummer the Kanopy Bitrate couldn't quite keep up with some of the most overwhelmingly beautiful abstract images. Some great unnerving score work

    Can't quite figure out why it's called The Cell, however

  • The Last Year of Darkness

    The Last Year of Darkness


    Man this started out so strong and then lost nearly all of my interest

    Always dig a good Bowie montage

    Some fantastic shots

    Always interested in the ethics of documentary filmmaking, there are some sequences in this where I'm genuinely intrigued in how and why they went above shooting in that way