
Greg Pro

Favorite films

  • Contempt
  • The Long Day Closes
  • Jeanne Dielman, 23, quai du Commerce, 1080 Bruxelles
  • Amadeus

Recent activity

  • The Assessment


  • Eephus


  • Bugsy Malone


  • The Alto Knights


Recent reviews

  • The Assessment

    The Assessment


    Only the 2nd Albee style dinner party in a week!

    This is of a certain kind of indie sci-fi that always disappoints by explaining its ass off. It doesn't help that it takes its ridiculous premise with the most solemn straight face imaginable. Minnie Driver wins here, even if she's mostly there to explain the history of the world; at least she does it well and brings a little life to the proceedings.

  • Eephus



    Initially, I was feeling I was totally out of my element*, though once I acclimated to the modest Linklater-ian charms, I was pretty taken with this. It might be me reaching, but I thought you could almost call it Beckett-esque in its dramaturgy, with amateurish performances that only add to the small townness.

    If you like baseball more than I do, I’m sure you’d like this more than I did, which is still quite a bit.

    *In reference to my…

Popular reviews

  • The Masterpiece

    The Masterpiece


    Baby’s First class Conflict.

  • Chris Fleming: Hell

    Chris Fleming: Hell


    Certainly not his best work, which is a shame since this is probably his highest profile endeavor. 

    Who am I kidding, this is on Peacock.

    Watch Showpig instead.