Hubert Motley Jr

Hubert Motley Jr Pro

Writer 📝
Photographer 📸
Videographer 🎥
Graphic Doodler ✍🏿
Universe Tamer 🌌

Writer : @geeksofdoom

Favorite films

  • Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse
  • Everything Everywhere All at Once
  • Moon
  • Shaun of the Dead

Recent activity

  • Cope


  • Scraps


  • Patrick and the Whale


  • Virtuosity


Recent reviews

  • Cope



    What I'm getting from this one, find hope wherever you can. No matter how small.

    Find it.

  • Scraps



    HEARTSTOPPER but in Montana USA.

    Well done, all!

Popular reviews

  • Amy's House of Art

    Amy's House of Art


    The juxtaposition between Amy's cheery personality and the graphic horrors that are her art creates an unease that grows more horrifying as this short moves along. It's like WHAT WE DO IN THE SHADOWS if it leaned into their truly monstrous nature .

    Shout out to the VFX and props department. They more than sell the insanity that is Amy's house.

  • The Falcon and the Winter Soldier

    The Falcon and the Winter Soldier


    This show worked on so many levels for me. Sam's struggle to accept to mantle of the new Captain Amer6 despite his own doubts, the Ameri6 government and American history giving him good reasons not to.

    Bucky's struggle with redeeming himself for his Winter Soldier past.

    John Walker being a good soldier but not a good man. Don't @ me.

    Isaiah Bradley. Where do I even start with him? Isaiah Bradley being there to remind that America was/ is still…