

Welcome to the dominion.

A fan of genre multimedia (action, sci-fi, horror), auto racing, and first person shooters.

Favorite films

  • Back to the Future
  • RoboCop
  • Clerks
  • True Lies

Recent activity

  • Barb Wire


  • Barb Wire


  • Virus


  • Demolition Man


Recent reviews

  • Barb Wire

    Barb Wire


    For the Action Elite YouTube podcast. It's gonna be fun.

  • Barb Wire

    Barb Wire


    Despite the borderline Skinemax tone and being accused of a rip lff of Casablanca (I haven't seen it), this action dystopia has spunk that I enjoy.

    Trashy, explosive, based off a Dark Horse comic, and mid 90's AF. A few fight scenes are edited to avoid the showing of the stunt doubles' faces and it feels like I'm watching a music video (David Hogan directed music videos) due to said editing. However, the cinematography is stylish, the music fits even if it belongs on MTV, and the finale are a blast.

    2nd American Civil War? 2017? If this was made today, it's still relevant.

Popular reviews

  • SCP: Overlord

    SCP: Overlord


    Made for $23,000 and filmed at a farm house. Excellent usage of lighting, editing, and writing in a utility sense.

    Hollywood, take notes.

  • Asteroid



    I finally managed to track down an unedited broadcast of this.

    I used to find near Earth objects frightening but really, the 2nd half drags down to a boring search and rescue. The model work is fine but no ID4 quality.

    However, I'll watch for Michael Biehn. That man never puts in a bad performance.