Weirdly close to current reality, through a lens that feels like it informed Drop Dead Gorgeous.
A wild ride that had me on the verge of busting out laughing at how bizarre it is to look into this very prescient mirror.
Weirdly close to current reality, through a lens that feels like it informed Drop Dead Gorgeous.
A wild ride that had me on the verge of busting out laughing at how bizarre it is to look into this very prescient mirror.
I have no idea why WB greenlit a buddy comedy slash sci-fi horror animated film starring Daffy and Porky, let alone throw it in the trash and then pull it out to sell to a third party in Ketchup Entertainment.
It's a bizarre, but often funny movie that has excellent animation throughout--and gags that feel like they wandered out of classic Ren and Stimpy.
Definitely a weird watch, but a real fun one.
(Posted after a Q&A session with the composer)
The year is 2025. Conan O'Brien is a Sundance favorite in a narrative film by a mumblecore pillar. This all makes sense.
Five stars for Han Solo wearing a fedora and pistol whipping people while the Indiana Jones theme blares