Not as in depth as the Morricone biopic, but still enjoyable!
It was an absolute thrill to see him live when I did.
Not as in depth as the Morricone biopic, but still enjoyable!
It was an absolute thrill to see him live when I did.
I think all that's left is the new netflix one for me! These are fun to watch with people.
My audience laughed four times. In a two hour movie that felt like three.
One good fight scene.
I'm starting to think the influx of multiverse stories into our culture is a government psyop to increase apathy and nihilism.
Saw it again before it left Chicago theaters and still loved it.
There's one review on here that almost gave me an aneurism, it made me so angry. Completely ignored things that happened in the actual movie to support her own preconceived notions of Christians, and in doing so slandered the film. But she made it so nobody but her friends could comment.
She was complaining that nobody in the congregation offered the Herdman kids food. THE PASTOR'S WIFE OFFERS…