“My life is like a video game
Trying hard to beat the stage
All while I am still collecting coins
Trying hard to save the girl
Obstacles, I'm jumping hurdles
I'm growing up to be a big boy“
- Henk Rogers, in like 1988/89…. probably.
*Chris Kyle is aiming his sniper at two afghan civilians and is with another scout marine. One of the civilians is a literal child and the other is it’s mother*
Chris Kyle: “I think they have a bomb”
Scout: “if you’re wrong they’re gonna lock you up in the stink hole for eternity my dude…”
*slow zoom on Chris Kyle’s eyeball*
Chris Kyle: “these damn dirty terrorist sons of bitches”
*Chris fires his rifle into the heart of a literal…
You won't believe it guys...
But I actually met Zack Snyder after I saw my screening of this movie in the parking lot of my local AMC back in 2013. After seeing the last hour of that movie I had to ask him a couple questions and he honestly dropped a couple pretty SYMBOLIC responses...
Catch a look here!: