
Ben Patron

"Movies are like if books were snappy and the pages were made of gorgeous famous people"
- Alexei Toliopolis

Favorite films

  • Singin' in the Rain
  • Stop Making Sense
  • Blue Velvet
  • The Thing

Recent activity

  • Eephus


  • Snowpiercer


  • Mission: Impossible – Rogue Nation


  • Shrek


Recent reviews

  • Sing Sing

    Sing Sing


    The MCU and Cannes standing ovations have NOTHING on the way I lose my mind when Paul Raci walks on screen in literally any movie he's ever in

  • Escape from L.A.

    Escape from L.A.


    This review may contain spoilers. I can handle the truth.

Popular reviews

  • Barbarian



    Bought a ticket because one person called it 2022's Malignant. Wish it was as good as Malignant.

    Everyone's calling it crazy and unpredictable but... it was just Don't Breathe without the added wrinkle of a blind antagonist... right?? The Mother more often than not looked straight out of a YouTube short film or like a reddit creepypasta (no surprise, given the director). There was some great filmmaking here though that shined through; I particularly loved how sterile and bland the Airbnb was. And the TWO cold opens in the middle of the film were wonderful! Just was overhyped going in. #slimfluenced if you will

  • Stop Making Sense

    Stop Making Sense


    A drunk woman got arrested at our screening!

    Bullock Texas State History Museum IMAX theater. One night only showing of the film. Throughout the trailers there was a lady towards the front, at then end of a row, who kept yelling "BOOOOO! GET TO THE MOVIE! WE WANT DAVID BYRNE!" And then tries to get a 👏DAVID BYRNE👏DAVID BYRNE👏DAVID BYRNE👏 chant going which *no one* was feeling. Finally the movie starts and during the silent opening credits she's still yelling…
