Amadeo Garcia

Amadeo Garcia

Favorite films

  • Mad Max: Fury Road
  • How to Train Your Dragon
  • Your Name.
  • Ratatouille

Recent activity

  • Fantasy Mission Force


  • Wolfwalkers


  • Steel


  • Starship Troopers


Recent reviews

  • Fantasy Mission Force

    Fantasy Mission Force


    Definitely fantastic, it's got a mission, got some force. It delivers.

    It delivers too much, in fact. It's all good silly fun for Western audiences, but something of a painful trip down memory lane for me, who's had to grow up with the imaginative misfirings of Philippine cinema and TV. This isn't a movie so much as a director running his set like a variety show, making sure every genre is represented so a copy can be put in every section of the rental store.

  • Wolfwalkers



    The beauty and artfulness of this film are impossible to ignore, but so are the creaks in the narrative. Honestly, it really just needed a bit of tightening up; as it is, the repetitiveness of some of the beats make certain sequences drag, others seem comical when it's supposed to be serious, and overall a lot of the threats and stakes feel less consequential than they should be with how often they get solved or bypassed in the same way.…

Popular reviews

  • Dracula 3000

    Dracula 3000


    If only anything in the movie were half as cool as their poster. As it is, the entire movie is just the story of the Demeter with literal space set dressing, and this may be the lamest Dracula ever portrayed on film, including the Scooby-Doo ones. It all oozes low budget, low rent from its pores, from the plumbing tunnels to represent spaceship corridors to the Spirit Halloween main villain costume.

    Still, there's real energy in how they've managed what…

  • Polite Society

    Polite Society


    Cute and fun, with a god-tier soundtrack, it aims for a Disney-movie energy spiked with sharp social commentary and a sinister, almost horror-esque angle, doesn't quite hit both at once, but at least makes for sufficiently quirky entertainment.

    Maybe the biggest missed opportunity is in how the older sister character is sidelined so hard and so fast early on and for the rest of the movie. Her mature perspective to counterbalance the younger sister's highschool antics might have served to…