

i love books, films, and music. all that matters!

Favorite films

  • Fallen Angels
  • All About Lily Chou-Chou
  • Before Sunrise
  • A Moment of Innocence

Recent activity

  • Adolescence


  • A Moment of Innocence


  • A Taxi Driver


  • Hope Frozen: A Quest To Live Twice


Recent reviews

  • Adolescence




  • Nan Nan

    Nan Nan


    This short film unfolds with a quiet and calm following a girl burdened by a reproductive disorder that isolates her in silent sorrow. only her female friend truly understands. because of that situation, their bond deepens into something more intimate.

    The cinematography of this film reminds me of Edward Yang’s aesthetic, where every scene lingers with unspoken emotion.

Popular reviews

  • Memories of Murder

    Memories of Murder


    “How can a detective be such a bad fighter?”
    “How can a detective have such a bad eye for criminals?”

    "Do you know how hot the fire is?"
    "Very hot!!!"


    "What did he look like?"
    "Well... kind of plain."
    "In what way?"
    "Just... ordinary."


    The plot and cinematic just WHOAAAAA! 
    Endingnya GILA SIIII!!!!

  • A Taxi Driver

    A Taxi Driver


    Nonton lagi soalnya baru saja merampungkan baca Human Act by Han Kang. Membaca kumcer tentang peristiwa Gwangju 1980 lantas membuatku penasaran dengan visualisasi keadaan pada saat itu.

    Aku sudah pernah menonton film ini sebelumnya. Tapi sudah lama sekali dan aku agak lupa alurnya. 

    Ketika menontonnya kembali, ingatanku ketika menonton film ini pertama kali mulai kembali. 

    Pikiranku berpindah-pindah dari adegan dalam cerita di buku Human Acts dan adegan film yang kutonton. Aku jadi semakin mengerti betapa mengerikannya kejadian Gwangju saat itu.

    Adegan itu mengingatkanku kejadian Reformasi Indonesia di tahun 1998. Kekerasan aparat yang brutal menyiksa warga sipil. Ah, sial.