Guinevere Latoza

Guinevere Latoza

Cinema One enjoyer as a kid, p1r@Cy apologist as an old kid

Favorite films

  • Chronicle of a Summer
  • Moral
  • 13th
  • ZsaZsa Zaturnnah Ze Moveeh

Recent activity

  • Flow


  • Monster


  • Conclave


  • Past Lives


Recent reviews

  • Flow



    watching flow in the cinema was its own experience! xD

    there were only a handful of audience members, and yet a lot of us would constantly blabber, suggest dialogues that the animals could have been saying if they were able to talk HAHAHAH 

    we would think out loud what we thought was happening in a scene. i would hear fellow watchers’ theories why the lemurs didn’t accept their fellow lemur the first time. did the secretary bird die? is the whale…

  • Conclave



    current events made me watch this film xd (i love you pope francis, please stay alive as long as you can)

    conclave is such a good critique of the catholic church, an institution that has such high standards for itself and yet empowers the most bigoted, chauvinist males!

    the protagonist’s self-investigation on the favored cardinals being considered as the pope is, in itself, a probe on the spectrum of political beliefs and morals we live and experience today.

    we see…

Popular reviews

  • Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind

    Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind


    didn't know what was happening in the first 18 minutes, but it all unravelled beautifully and quite ouching-ly towards the end

    my friend believes joel and clem ended up together anyway after laughing at their misfortune. but i feel like they did not.
