so much film. so little time
I like great character dynamic, life-stories, music, fast paced dialogue and visually stunning films
slog på tven på hotellet i london och ser Tony Soprano men det visar sig vara den här filmen??? Pluss janice och Steve buscemi är också med. kändes som parallel universe. Måste vara en film de slängt ihop mellan filmningen av Sopranos. Något av det skummaste jag sett. Och så är det ju tvunget att vara en musikal också. Inte särskilt bra.
I am convinced that this movie's script was written with AI. weird choice of words in dialogue and never seen such flat characters that "tell don't show". The characters practically explain what they are doing when they do it, like "yes, we as viewers just saw that, and we can put things together ourselves??".
The film does not utilize what film as a medium is great at depicting: when someone means one thing but says or does another, which we…