
harleyvision Pro

If I haven’t annoyed you with at least one of my takes, then I have not done a very good job.

Favorite films

  • Godzilla Minus One
  • Scream
  • American Psycho
  • Whiplash

Recent activity

  • Captain Marvel

  • Ant-Man and the Wasp


  • Avengers: Infinity War


  • Black Panther


Recent reviews

  • Captain Marvel

    Captain Marvel

    Dude. Nintendo Gameboy.

  • Ant-Man and the Wasp

    Ant-Man and the Wasp


    A good little slice of filler to cheer fans up after the events in Infinity War.

    Honestly this might be the MCU film with the lowest stakes but I dig that. Ant-Man works best when things are simple and fun. Great supporting cast and some pretty goofy performances.

    I enjoyed how much this movie plays with the scale of things. It feels like everything in the first Ant-Man was just dialed up a couple notches and that's pretty neat.

    Pure inoffensive fun.

Popular reviews

  • Avatar: The Way of Water

    Avatar: The Way of Water


    I want you to ask yourself. What is this films purpose? What does this sequel actually add to the story of Avatar? 

    It adds nothing. This movie exists for no reason. 

    If a pretty screensaver is all this movie was supposed to be then congrats they did their job. I could get the same experience from the aquarium. 

    The movie is absolutely still white person black panther and i’m surprised that no one is talking about how weird these films…

  • Avengers: Infinity War

    Avengers: Infinity War


    They don't make shit like this no more man. The concept of making the villian actually the film's protagonist is so insane honestly I don't know how they stumbled across it. Somehow this film juggles a MASSIVE star studded cast of heroes worthy of their own blockbuster film all while making sure every character gets enough screentime and moments to shine.

    When I first saw this I vividly remember my theater audience cheering and clapping when Thor finally landed a…