Benny Profane

Benny Profane Pro

Favorite films

  • Matewan
  • Damnation
  • Last Year at Marienbad
  • The American Friend

Recent activity

  • The Assassination of Jesse James by the Coward Robert Ford


  • Escape from L.A.


  • The Game


  • Broken Rage


Recent reviews

  • The Assassination of Jesse James by the Coward Robert Ford

    The Assassination of Jesse James by the Coward Robert Ford


    The amazing cinematography, acting and music could have made this one of the finest revisionist westerns ever.

    All this is undermined by the meandering storytelling. God, the directoral choices made here are so pointless at times.

  • Escape from L.A.

    Escape from L.A.


    I'm sure this was a project of love for Carpenter and Russell but that wonderful balance between silliness, grittiness, cool and satire that permeate their other collaborations is totally missed here.

    Bad effects and a sprawling mess of a script makes even the utter cool of Kurt Russell fall flat. This was a very unnecessary sequel.

Popular reviews

  • The Game

    The Game


    The Game is the movie version of dumb guy that believes himself to be clever and act accordingly.

    Michael Douglas is great as a financial god that sees his entire life crumble and visually the movie is very evocative, like every Fincher.

    What bugs me is that Fincher constantly chooses the big, outrageous paths in the storytelling. Every moment of introspection or subtlety is channeled into action, chases, loudness. There is no way for me to suspend my sense of…

  • Blue Velvet

    Blue Velvet


    Thank you, and good night.

    I can't even begin to describe the importance that David Lynch had on my taste in cinema, and my understanding of what art could be. He opened my eyes and mind to how weirdness, dreams and the peculiar details in life all are so important.

    Without Twin Peaks, Dune, Blue Velvet and his other works my mind and life would have been so very different and more boring.

    Thank you, and bon voyage.
