
Hegesander Patron

Favorite films

  • Schindler's List
  • Amadeus
  • The Seventh Seal
  • Winged Migration

Recent activity

  • Through a Glass Darkly


  • Early Spring


  • Day of the Full Moon


  • Ballad of a Soldier


Pinned reviews

  • Possession



    I listened to the audio commentary this time, thus becoming much more aware of the cinematography, which is claustrophobic, concise, direct, intense, disturbed, powerful, and most of all, absolutely beautiful.

    I became acutely aware of the purpose of each character this time. The man, I saw him as possessive, but at a complete loss in the act of possessing and always driven to possess. The Wife I understood as fleeing from possession and searching for possession; she is ever the…

  • The Seventh Seal

    The Seventh Seal


    "Hebben jullie niet gehoord van de dolle mens die op een klaarlichte dag een lantaarn aanstak, de markt op liep en onophoudelijk schreeuwde: 'Ik zoek God! Ik zoek God!' - Omdat er daar juist veel van die lieden bijeenstonden die niet aan God geloofden, verwekte dit groot gelach. Is hij soms verloren gegaan? zei de een. Is hij verdwaald als een kind? zei de ander. Of heeft hij zich verstopt? Is hij bang voor ons? Is hij scheep gegaan? naar…

Recent reviews

  • Through a Glass Darkly

    Through a Glass Darkly


    Såsom i en spegel, 'As in a looking glass' is much like a mirror, a reflection of several men or a restless struggle of one. And the camera is so stark and observing one might see the eye of God in it.

  • Day of the Full Moon

    Day of the Full Moon


    Een film over de vergankelijkheid van menselijk contact in een koude tijd. Er is hier geen verhaal, maar een meta-narratieve boodschap.

Popular reviews

  • Before Sunrise

    Before Sunrise


    "If there is a God, It isn't in you, or me, but in this little space in between."

    The first composition took my interest and there I found myself watching a romantic film that I would never have even considered before. I think Erasmus' goddess of Folly and the nature of man has made me mad.
    Everything in this film feels like a moving train. Unstoppable and constant it is going, not a moment do you want to have something…

  • Parasite



    Before I watched this film, I looked a bit into the reviews of the people I follow on this website, and the most intriguing of them was the review of the eloquent TomCivis, who, in contrast to many others, gave this film 3,5 stars. In his review, he wrote that he thought the film was too black and white in its depiction of the Rich and of the Poor, and found the film therefore, in my interpretation, divorced from truth.…