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The only life path is the one behind you.
One big massive ad campaign with product placements of McDonalds (Protein Plug), FedEx (Door Holding), Jeep (Reliable and Hip vehicle), Advil (Painkiller for body aches), Amazon (Quick Delivery Service), Starbucks (Coffee).
The Killer is excellent. For a Fincher film, it was static with not much bouncing around, depth, and twists but it was a refreshing action thriller that had me on the edge of my seat. Finding myself rooting for The Killer in his character study, only to be in shambles each time he killed someone with ease and relaxation. Fassbender was the perfect casting.
Every scene flows from one to another seamlessly.
Justice for Hulk though.
Pixar gave us Elemental: What if water had feelings?
Blumhouse gave us Night Swim: What if spring water pools had feelings?
Planet of the Apes is the one acception to all the rules we (as societal viewers) have set for requels. Follow the link here to hear the rules.
Andy Serkis not having even an Oscar nomination still blows my mind.
The other piece that blows my mind is 50+ years after the originals these are still refreshing and coming up with new unique ideas BUT stay true to the story.