HS Pyo

HS Pyo

Foreign Cinema Enthusiast
Physical Media Collector

Favorite films

  • A Brighter Summer Day
  • Eureka
  • Cargo 200
  • The Handmaiden

Recent activity

  • Presence


  • Green Zone


  • Mosul


  • Conclave


Recent reviews

  • Climax



    Until now I didn't realize how big of an effect going into Gaspar Noé's Climax with a slight headache had on my initial impression of the film. While I found Climax to be one of Noé's better if not best pieces of work, I figured the terrible nausea I had after it finished was caused by the floaty cinematography Noé has made a staple of his films. That wasn't the first time one of his film's cinematography had left me…

  • The Return of the Texas Chainsaw Massacre

    The Return of the Texas Chainsaw Massacre


    Chaotic and messy in all the wrong ways which makes for a fun fever dream of a TCM movie. Probably best described as the series ‘Season of the Witch’. 

Popular reviews

  • Descendants of the Sun

    Descendants of the Sun

    This has essentially nothing to do with "The Men Behid the Sun" series, I'll save you the time and let you know that there is not a single autopsy scene over the course of its 960 minute 16 episode runtime. Also the music fucking sucked.

  • Beasts Clawing at Straws

    Beasts Clawing at Straws


    Stylish crime thriller from first time director Kim Yong-hoon that while not being anything new, still entertains with its twisting narrative and engaging characters. By far the most impressive element of 'Beasts Clawing at Straws' is the series of escalating events that the film's roster of characters find themselves in intertwining with one another. It is a fun process of trying to piece together how each character and their arcs fit into the fragmented timeline.

    A nonlinear crime narrative and…