

Favorite films

  • Back to the Future
  • Beetlejuice
  • Jaws
  • Raging Bull

Recent activity

  • Win or Lose

  • Andrew Schulz: LIFE

  • Queer

  • The Swan

Recent reviews

  • Win or Lose

    Win or Lose

    Interesting show. Not everything works, but so far, I like it more than I don't. The Rochelle episode is my favourite for now.

  • Oppenheimer


    Much better than Tenet, at least.

Popular reviews

  • In Bruges

    In Bruges


    Been a while, and after Inisherin, fancied watching it again. Adore this movie, and although not perfect, I could watch it a thousand times I'm certain.

  • In a Violent Nature

    In a Violent Nature

    Some things I loved, some things I did not. But it's a day later and I am still thinking about it, and mainly about the things I liked.

    I prefer films to do this than just vanish into utter nothingness, so yeah, more of a thumbs up from me than not.

    The best thing about it, and the reason to see it in a cinema: the sound design. Absolutely fantastic.