

Favorite films

  • Back to the Future
  • The Shining
  • Fight Club
  • Spider-Man

Recent activity

  • Bye Bye Morons


  • Single White Female


  • Still Alice


  • Mickey 17


Recent reviews

  • Bye Bye Morons

    Bye Bye Morons


    un très joli film, sur tous les plans

    La cinématographie est superbe, notamment le cadrage et les couleurs. Certains plans sont particulièrement bien pensés et rythment l'histoire.
    Cette dernière est bien écrite, efficace, assumée. Les acteurs sont tous excellents dans leurs rôles.

    Dans l'ensemble, le film ne cherche pas à être original, que cela soit dans son écriture ou dans les personnages: ce sont sa simplicité et sa sincérité qui le rendent si bien!

  • Single White Female

    Single White Female


    Jennifer Jason Leigh weird faces / smiles / mimics / moves are my nightmares

Popular reviews

  • Spider-Man



    watching this on the big screen makes me love even more this movie

    it's the definition of what a unique super hero movie should look like and how a moviemaker can still bring their own touch and universe without interfering with the roots of the character

    Willem Dafoe remains terrifying

  • Mickey 17

    Mickey 17


    The topics were very interesting and well carried throughout the movie
    The actors were excellent, especially Rob Pattinson and Mark Ruffalo

    The movie itself was maybe a little bit too long and may have some flows: it is full of crazy ideas and it seems like they got lost into some, focusing on some not so useful moments or characters.

    This film remains extremely enjoyable, fun, true, bold and well-made